Education Creating a stream, installing a tracker and setting up a cloaca (practice)

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Our training immerses us more and more into the routine process of an arbitrageur. I hope you are still full of energy. Our journey is just beginning... During the learning process, we have already registered in the affiliate program, selected an offer, made creatives, prepared accounts, prepared for the pouring, and studied automation services. In this practical part, we will create a flow, install a tracker, study its interface, and also integrate the cloak.

The training menu, broken down by day, can be found here - Training


The main goal of this lesson is to get a cloaked link to our prokla, which can be advertised on Facebook.

The meaning of a flow in an affiliate program
To create a flow in the affiliate program, we need to create a flow and get a ready-made link to launch advertising.

The finished link should:
  • enable analytics tool (pixel FB);
  • open the desired landing page (prokla);
  • undergo moderation.
First of all, we need to create a pixel in the business manager of your King account.

Creating a Pixel
Pixel Facebook is a tool that helps track users' actions on a website after interacting with an advertisement.
  • Conversion tracking: Pixel allows you to record conversions, such as purchases, registrations, or any other targeted actions that users perform on the site.
  • Remarketing: Pixel allows you to create an audience for remarketing by showing ads to users who have already visited the site or taken certain actions. This helps bring back interested users and increases the likelihood of conversion.
  • Advertising optimization: with the data collected by the pixel, Facebook can better optimize ads demonstration to people who are more likely to take a targeted action.
  • Creating Lookalike Audiences: based on conversion and user behavior data, pixel allows you to create lookalike audiences, which helps you find new customers similar to your current ones.
To create a pixel, we need to return to our King account, which includes BM and linked advertising accounts (what we did on day 4 of training). Next, in the top bar of Dolphin Anti, go to the Business Manager quick access tab.

You and I will create a “master-pixel”, which we will transfer for management to each advertising account. Thus, our autoregs linked to BM’s King will have the same pixel. This will allow the algorithm to learn faster and provide leads at a lower cost.


In the main BM interface, go to the tab Data Sources – pixels


Click on the button to create a pixel and come up with a name for it. Since I have an offer with the name PeniLarge TR, for convenience, I created a pixel of the same name.

*I recommend that you systematize your offers by assigning offers’ names to accounts and pixels.



The next step is the integration of the pixel into advertising accounts. In the main tab, through the option "Assign People," we add a user, assign them full control, and appoint them as the administrator of this dataset.



The next step is to add linked advertising accounts to the “Master Pixel”. To do this, go to the tab Assign assets and select all active advertising accounts.



Thus, you and I created the pixel, which will collect analytics from all accounts simultaneously.

Creating a thread
Creating a flow is the process of setting up a link. During this process, you need to choose which landing page or pre-landing page will open via the link and add analytics tools, such as pixel.

Let's move on to the process of creating a flow
In the affiliate program, go to the page of the offer you have chosen. On the right side, click “Create a flow and get a link”.


When creating a flow, you need to fill in the following fields:


  • Flow name: write any name that will be clear to you.
  • Traffic source: indicate the source of traffic; in our case, it is Facebook.
  • Select landing page: select a landing page that will open via the link.
  • Select prelanding: this item is optional, but it is better not to set it at the stage of initial tests.
  • Enter the pixel ID: if there is a separate field for the “thank you” page, enter the FB pixel ID there.
  • Global postback: if there is a checkbox to enable global postback, check it. If not, write down the postback that you will use on Keitaro. If there are multiple postback lines, fill them all out the same.
At this stage, we do not need the remaining fields. Save your settings. Thus, we created our first flow for the offer.

After creating a flow in the affiliate program, a link to the landing page of the offer that you specified when creating the flow will be automatically generated. However, I do not recommend sending traffic to this link.

The fact is that most of the domains that the affiliate program provides have been banned by Facebook for a long time, since they received both white offers and nutra traffic. Therefore, you and I will purchase a new domain, to which we will pour traffic.

You can check your domain for a ban on Facebook here: Check a domain for a Facebook ban online

For a general understanding, we are creating a flow so that a postback link value is assigned to your offer, and when downloading an archive with a landing page, the api and offer number are written in the “handler” file.

Buying and parking a domain in Keitaro
Domain parking is the linking of a purchased domain to a server. The server can be any platform where the domain is used, for example:
  • TimeWeb (hosting and server)
  • Keitaro
To link a domain to a server, you need to specify DNS records from this service. But before that, you need to buy a domain.

I recommend using cloud infrastructure for business from TimeWeb. This platform includes hosting, servers, and a built-in domain purchasing service.


Go through the registration process on the platform. We will use a dedicated server for Keitaro and a domain purchasing feature.

The procedure for working with a domain purchased from TimeWeb will consist of the following steps:
  1. Buying a domain.
  2. Transferring the domain under the management of the CloudFlare service.
  3. Domain parking in Keitaro.
To buy cheaply, choose from these domain zones:
  • site
  • xyz
  • fun
  • online
  • host
  • website
  • pro
  • space
Buying a domain
To purchase a domain, go to your TimeWeb personal account and select the domain purchasing service on the right side of the side menu.


From my side, in order to increase the trust of a potential lead, I recommend that you use domains that are consistent with the offer. This way, the lead will assume that they are going to the official website of the product.

As an example, my offer is PeniLarge. I'll try to buy a domain with a suitable geo (the geo of my traffic) for the trpeniLarge name.

From the ones offered, I chose


When paying, TimeWeb will offer a number of additional services that are not necessary but may increase the final cost. Therefore, select "1 year" in the registration period and refuse all services, leaving only the domain. Then choose a convenient payment method.

Next, we need to add the domain to CloudFlare and park it on Keitaro.

Adding a domain to CloudFlare
Cloudflare is a service for optimizing the loading of landing pages and protecting against DDoS attacks. But it is interesting to us because it allows us to hide the IP of our server (and protect our server from blocking by the Facebook anti-fraud system).

When you add a domain to Cloudflare, it is assigned a "non-unique" IP address that hosts a large number of different websites. Thus, for the Facebook anti-fraud system, we are lost among other sites on this IP, and the domain is less likely to be banned.

CloudFlare registration
Go to the site Cloudflare and go through the registration process.


After the registration stage, in the main interface of the program, you need to click Add Site.


Select the free plan and click continue.


The next step is to transfer the domain’s NS to CloudFlare servers.


To do this, copy the NS server from CF and go to TimeWeb. Then go to settings - DNS settings.


Let's go to the NS server’s settings and edit it.


After confirming the NS servers from the CF side, you need to click continue and automatically go through all the points without changing them.


The last step in working with CF is obtaining an SSL certificate. To do this, select SSL/TLS in the side menu and enable the option.


At this step, we need to park the domain on the Keitaro tracker. As a result, we will go through the steps to install it and study the main interface.

Installation of Keitaro on the TimeWeb server
Let me remind you again about the tracker. Keitaro - tracker server type.
  • Display an HTML page, display errors, execute JS code, and load external content.
  • Split testing landing pages to optimize conversions.
  • Various types of redirects: 302 redirect, JS script, redirection by clicking on the “SUBMIT” button in the form, and iframe code.
  • A mechanism for creating your own redirection scripts and macros.
  • Possibility of parking domains and subdomains.
  • Identify and block bots to protect against unwanted traffic.
  • More than 30 filters for targeting landing pages.
  • Create multi-level reports for detailed analysis.
  • Built-in templates and instructions for working with more than 100 advertising networks.
  • Integration with affiliate networks to simplify your work.
  • Ability to create a multi-account with access rights for the team.
To install keitaro, we will again use the TimeWeb platform; to do this, go to the personal account interface and select VPS/VDS servers in the side menu and create an account.


Minimum requirements to the Keitaro server


Since we are just starting our journey in the field of traffic, we will focus on minimal settings: VPS server 10,000–100,000 clicks with server geolocation in Poland.


After activating the server, go to the console and copy-paste the command curl | bash -s --install


We wait for the installation to complete and go to tracker Keitaro at the IPv4 address specified in the server dashboard.


Next, you will need to activate the license key, after which you will be taken to the main working interface of the tracker.


Let's get acquainted with the main functions of the tracker:

Dashboard: shows basic statistics on the offer. Thanks to the available metrics settings section, you can select the ones that interest you.

For convenience, I recommend keeping the following metrics: Clicks, Unique clicks, Conversions, Leads, Cost, CR, ROI, EPC (confirmed).


  • Campaigns: display all active companies. Just like in the main interface, you can configure metrics with the ability to export to Excel tables.
  • Landing page: contains white pages, that are used for pouring the traffic.
  • Affiliate Networks: a section with presets for CPA networks and postback links.
  • Offers: this section contains black pages (proklas), that are used for pouring the traffic.
  • Traffic source: traffic sources.
  • Reports: generation of reports.
  • Domains: linked domains.
Before using the tracker, we must first configure it.

Geo database update: this is necessary to update geo operators and bots.
  • Go to the "Maintenance" section.
  • Open the menu item "Geo DBs".
  • On the new page, click "Update all". The update will occur in the background and will take some time.

Bot database update: screening out bots and Facebook moderators in a running campaign.
  • Go to the "Maintenance" section
  • Go to the “Settings” section
  • Go to the “Bot lists” tab
  • Switch all items to “Yes”
  • Click “Save”
In the same section, we add an additional list of bot IP addresses; to do this, select “Additional bot IP list” – Add.


Since we are working with Facebook Ads, we also need to add bot signatures.

facebot Python-urllib python-requests zgrab/0.x Wget(linux)
facebookexternalhit/1.1 (+
facebookexternalhit/1.1 (
Go-http-client/1.1 Go-http-client/2.0 Python/3.6 aiohttp/3.4.4
CheckMarkNetwork/1.0 (+
nadesiko Jetty/9.4.15.v20190215 facebook facebot facebookexternalhit/1.0
Jersey/2.25.1 (Apache HttpClient 4.5)Mediapartners-Google
Surf/1.0 (Linux 4.4.0-116-generic; go1.12) SafeDNSBot ( Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; YandexBot/3.0; + Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; BomboraBot/1.0; + dianomi bot / 1.0 (
Ruby Jetty/9.4.15.v20190215
weborama-fetcher (+ ShortLinkTranslate
bitlybot/3.0 (+ facebookexternalhit/1.1 ( facebook
facebookexternalhit/1.0 proximic facebookexternalhit/1.1


Adding a Source
Since we have one Facebook traffic source, we will only add that. To do this, go to the Traffic Sources tab, click add, and look for Facebook in the drop-down list.


Domain parking on Keitaro
At this stage, we will link the purchased domain to Keitaro. To do this, go to the Domains tab and click Add.


*In the group field, you can subsequently assign a niche name, for example, domains related to the niche Adult or Weight Loss, etc.

Landing page: adding a white page to work with the offer
Using the geo of the pouring, we are looking for a site with a coffee shop or fitness club in Google maps.

It is important that FB pixel is not installed on the site.



Let's create a section. Assign the offer’s name. Select “Redirect”. In the “Redirect type”, select CURL and enter the address of the selected coffee shop website in the URL field. Save the settings. Thus, when the campaign is launched, if moderators or bots come across it, they will end up on this site.


Affiliate network
In this section, select CPA from the tracker presets. A postback link will be generated automatically.


Offers. Adding prokla to the Tracker
At this stage, we will add our prokla to the tracker. As I mentioned earlier, you can prepare the prokla yourself or you can request from the affiliate network manager a ready-made one with settings for the affiliate API.

To work correctly in the tracker, the index file in the archive with prokla must have .php extension. Also, the archive itself must be zip.

After going to the section, click “Create” and, as in the previous section, assign the offer’s name. In the Affiliate network, we select your affiliate program. Select the “Local” tab for the file upload. Select the path to the archive and click “save”.


After loading the landing page, run a test. Send a test lead from your IP. Go to AP and see if it is displayed. Everything should work correctly.


Installing a dynamic pixel on a thank-you page
In the lesson on accounts, we registered with BM pixel but didn’t talk about it in detail. So, pixel is a script that allows Facebook to track events and collect statistics on users. Using it, you can track events, page view, lead, purchase, etc.

Naturally, since we advertise mainly “gray” topics, it is important for us to register as little data as possible about the offer page, since with any trigger, the account flies to AAP.

Therefore, arbitrageurs came up with a way to bypass the script by placing a “short pixel with the Lead event” to the “thank-you” page; for this purpose, its value is written in the link and transmitted across all pages.

The pixel transfer process is simple. It is enough to add a line of code in the lead form of the index file:

<input type="hidden" name="fbpixel" value="<?=$_GET["fbpixel"]?>">

So that you understand why you need to write it in the lead form and not in another place in the code, the input value is written where any value will be entered. Accordingly, when a potential lead enters a name and phone number, this data is captured by input fields and sent through a handler file for further processing. The function "<?=$_GET["fbpixel"]?> passes the pixel value with other inputs.


For the correct operation, you need to write the code in the handler file. To do this, look for $successPage = 'success.php’ in the code and substitute with the value:


For your basic understanding, we have added a pixel value to the link. Then, using the input and the GET parameter, it was passed to the handler. Next, from the handler, using the POST parameter, we pass the pixel value to the “thank-you” page.


On the “thank-you” page after /head, we set “short” pixel” with the GET parameter.

Short pixel:

<img height="1" width="1" style="display:none" src="[URL][/URL]<?=$_GET["fbpixel"]?>&ev=Lead&noscript=1"/>

We have completed the basic settings of the tracker. Now let's move on to creating a campaign. This will allow the tracker to track advertising campaign statistics on the Facebook platform in real time.

Creating flows in the Keitaro tracker
A campaign in the Keitaro tracker consists of three "flows". Flows are used to distribute clicks.
  1. Bots
  2. Targeted traffic to prokla (landing page)
  3. Closing. Analytics of unknown traffic and collection of information.
The tracker directs clicks depending on the filters specified in the flows. This allows you to weed out bots and Facebook moderators, as well as keep statistics on offers.

Go to the Campaigns tab. Click create. We assign the campaign name and proceed to creating and configuring flows:

First flow: bots
Click on Create Flow, and assign the names of the flows to Bots and Moderators, and select Flow type – Forced:
  • Go to “Schema” and select “Add Landing and pages”. In the window that opens, add the landing page that we added as a white page.
  • Go to the Filters tab. In the selected window, assign the value OR.
  • Connection type: IS "Unknown", "@empty"
  • User agent: IS"@empty"
  • UserAgent: IS we register bot signatures.
  • Bot: IS
  • Device type: IS Unknown, Desktop computer, Gaming console, TV, Car browser, Smart Display, Camera, Portable Media Player.
Second flow: leads
This flow will receive traffic from potential leads, or more precisely, all clicks that do not match the filters from the first one. Click on Create Flow, and assign the names of the flows to Bots and Moderators and select Flow type - Regular.

  • Go to “Schema” and select “Add Offer”. In the window that opens, add the prockas, which we added as “black”.
  • Proxy Detected: IS NOT
  • Device type: IS Mobile Phone, Tablet.
  • Languages: IS Turkey
Third flow: analytics of unknown traffic
Traffic that does not match any of the filters. Click on Create Flow, and assign the names of the flows to Bots and Moderators and select Flow type - Forced


After creating three flows, click “create” and go to the “Domains” tab. Click on the parked domain. Return to the “Campaigns” section and assign a domain.



Next, copy the link and check the operation of the tracker and pixel.


Setting up the cloaking
In the theoretical part of the course on tracker and cloaking, we have already discussed that we are collaborating with a leading cloud traffic filtering service, CLOAK IT. As noted earlier, this service offers advanced traffic filtering features that help cut off unwanted traffic and improve the quality of campaigns.

It's important to note that CLOAK IT also has integration with Keitaro, which provides a comprehensive approach to traffic management and analytics.

To integrate with the tracker, go to the service website, Go to the “Companies” section and create a separate campaign.
  • Assigning a campaign name
  • Fields “white page” and “offer” do not fill out
  • Enable features CLOAK IT
  • Saving the settings

Integration of Keitaro and Cloak IT
In the created campaign, click “download”, and in the integration window that opens, select Keitaro and download the script.



Go to hosting, to the root folder of Keitaro at: var /www/keyboard/applications/filters and load the downloaded script cloakit.php


Important! The filter only needs to be uploaded to the server once. In the future, you just need to change the campaign ID.

Next, go to the flows of your advertising campaign:

First flow:
  • Create a Flow Type Forced with the name CLOAK IT
  • Redirect Type: CURL
  • Insert the offer domain.

Second flow:
  • “Schema”: “Direct URL”
  • Redirect Type: CURL
  • Insert the offer domain.
  • In the filters section, select cloackit

Go to the site CLOAK IT and copy the ID of the created campaign. Then, in the tracker, in the flow settings, insert this ID into the filter CLOAK IT.

We have completed the practical part of the training material on creating a flow and automation integration. We have created a working link that we will later use in Facebook Ads. I hope everything was clear. If you have any questions, I will be happy to help.

After studying the practical part, I propose you move on to homework: [Day 6] Homework
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