Education Creativity in arbitration. Role, meaning, types (theory)

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Well, guys, during our training, you have already learned the basic principles of traffic arbitrage and selected a suitable offer for the “pouring”. Now comes the next important stage: making creatives.

This task partly requires knowledge of consumer psychology, graphic design, and copywriting, as well as an understanding of the target audience, their needs, and pains. A well-thought-out creative, despite the “banner blindness” of the user, is able to attract attention and arouse interest among potential clients.

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Remember that even if you are well-versed in choosing traffic sources and understand the mechanics of work, without effective creative you may face insufficient conversions and ultimately a loss of advertising budget.


Creative wording in internet marketing
Advertising creative is a marketing tool that features text, images, video, or other elements created to attract the attention of the audience and evoke a certain reaction.

It is a key element of any advertising campaign and stimulates potential customers to take targeted action. Advertising creative should be bright, juicy, have a clearly defined CTA (call to action), and meet the needs and preferences of the target audience.

In other words, creative in arbitrage is an image + text, or video + text.

The importance of creatives in advertising on Facebook
Creative is the core of the sales funnel and, with its help, we can influence two main factors:
  • Attracting audience to a site (CTR rate): high-quality creative can attract the target audience to the offer’s website. Roughly speaking, a good creative means a lot of clicks.
  • Increase conversion (CR rate): after the audience is transferred to the site, the right creative increases the rate of users who complete the target action. It’s important to create creatives that convert.
These two factors directly affect the number and cost of targeted actions. It is important to understand the structure of the creative:
  • Visual component: this is a picture or video that attracts the attention of the audience.
  • Text in the picture (title): the title complements the visual and can clarify the offer or draw attention to key points.
Texts in advertisements
  • Text above the creative – ad text: the ad text contains a CTA.
  • Text under the creative – title (optional): this is an additional opportunity to reinforce the creative's message or generate additional interest among the audience.

With these elements, we can control the user's attention.


First of all, the user pays attention to the visual part. Then they read the text in the picture, and only after that do they pay attention to the description. Let's look at what each of these parts is responsible for:

Visual part
  • Bright, juicy creative attracts the user’s attention, and if you hit the “pain”, it draws attention to the advertisement to find out more.
  • Shows an image of the offer or the result of its application and demonstrates how it satisfies the client’s needs.
Text in the picture
  • Contains a proposal: solve a problem, go to the site, make a purchase, etc.
Text under creative
  • Users usually look for additional information about what they saw in the visual part, as well as explanations about the cost of the product, its characteristics (briefly), etc.
Types of creatives
As you can already understand, the overall effectiveness of your advertising campaign depends on the quality of the creative. The higher the quality and relevance of the creative, the more likely it is that you will be able to participate in the auction (we'll talk about the auction later) at the lowest cost per click. This, in turn, increases the likelihood of achieving the target conversion rate (CR).

It is important to create not only clickable creos that will give a high CTR but also catchy materials that press pain points.

In arbitrage, nutra vertical has its own specifics for creative creation; it’s called an approach.

Approach is the main idea of the creative, that is, the concept or message that you want to convey in order to cause an emotional impact and demonstrate the benefits, results, features, or characteristics of the offer to your potential client.

The total number of main approaches is 6. In order for you to understand, let’s look at each of them using an example:

An approach that allows you to clearly show changes in a person’s life after using the offer. It is most often used when “pouring” offers of products for weight loss, adult and joint health.


What's the best way to show before/after:
  • Situations from life (was/now)
  • Measuring instruments (as discussed above)
  • Internal organs/bones
  • Associations

Medical approach
Many problems can be solved with the help of medications. People know about this and often turn to doctors for help. And if the doctor is an expert in the relevant field, it increases the trust of the audience.

The approach involves the use of famous or little-known doctors. It is often combined with a teaser approach but can also be effective in other formats; it all depends on your creativity!


*Don’t forget to carefully study the information in the offer description or ask the manager if you can use famous doctors. Otherwise, you risk getting your offer blocked or not receiving a payment.

Teaser approach
This approach was appropriated by arbitrageurs from teaser advertising networks. The main goal of this strategy is to achieve a high CTR and get clicks at an affordable price.

While this approach provides affordable traffic, it doesn't always result in high conversions. This is because the ads use intrigue and mystery to grab the user's attention and get them to click. The user, going to the site, may not understand what exactly awaits him since the information in the banner or in the text is not complete.


What to show in the teaser approach:
  • Ordinary food from a refrigerator
  • Exotic food: fruits, vegetables, and others (that look unusual)
  • Traditional methods
  • Decoctions
  • Scary images
  • Unusual and strange products/mixtures/liquids
  • Unusual usage of ordinary products
News approach
The principle is still the same. News is the main source of information for many people. And, more importantly, they trust this source of information. Therefore, information presented as news is more credible.


What makes a picture look believable:
  • Real TV presenter (look for photos from real broadcasts)
  • Channel logo
  • A ticker made in the form of the one that actually exists on the CNN channel.
  • A small news bar that makes it clear what’s going on here
  • In this approach, it is better to use local presenters (TV channels)
Commodity approach
This is the “whitest” approach and does not contradict Facebook rules. It demonstrates the offer, its main characteristics, and the solution to certain problems.


Pain-focused approach
In the Pain approach, the goal is to remind the person of the negative impact of their current problem on their life and the possible consequences of this problem. It is important to highlight how this problem interferes with their daily life and the risks it poses.


Association-based approach
The visual should excite and bring sexual fantasies into the head. This is best achieved through pornographic pictures or images of genitals.


Basically, these are all the main approaches to making static creatives for the nutra vertical. Naturally, there are video creatives and gif images with identical approaches, but a greater number of variations come with the experience of pouring, understanding of the audience, and the bundle's scaling.

Important: don't try to make a creative with the most provocative image or obvious BEFORE/AFTER approach, showing a lot of naked body. Always try to disguise your message. Facebook's particular feature is that its algorithms are constantly learning new arbitrage approaches, and thus it becomes more and more difficult for creatives to pass moderation, but with the proper level of dexterity and a strive for development, everything is possible. Where there is a will, there is a way, as they say!

FB placements
When we study the Facebook advertising account, we will get to the option of choosing placements.

Placement, in simple words, is the place where your advertisement is shown.


Example of placement in Facebook feed

Each placement represents a specific location or format in which users can see an advertisement.
  • News feed: this placement includes eight different placements across Facebook, Instagram, and Messenger. Feed ads are content that users see when scrolling through their news feed or posts.
  • Stories and Video Reels: there are four placements available here on Facebook, Instagram, and Messenger platforms. This format includes short videos that users can watch in Stories or the Reels section.
  • In-Stream: this placement provides two variants of placement for video ads while viewing content on Facebook and Instagram. Advertisements can appear in the video stream, inviting users to watch them as they watch the video content.
  • Search: this placement is only available on Facebook and it shows advertisements in search results on the platform.
  • Messages: in the case of this placement, advertising is placed only in Messenger, the Facebook messenger. This means that advertisements may appear in user chats.
  • Facebook articles: this placement is an opportunity to place advertisements in articles on Facebook. Advertising may appear in the user feed in the form of articles.
  • Applications and websites: in this type, there are three places for ads on the partner’s Audience Network. Ads may appear on a variety of Facebook partner apps and websites.
The choice of placements plays a key role in optimizing your advertising campaign since each placement has its own characteristics and attracts a unique audience. For example, ads in the news feed can be more visible and engaging, while ads in the sidebar can attract the attention of users searching for information. Choosing the right placements will help optimize your campaign and achieve your target results.

Placements and creative sizes for them. Each placement has its own creative size.
  • For stories (Instagram): 1080*1920 pixels.
  • For FB/Insta news feed (main placement): 1080*1080 pixels.

* Other resolutions can also be used for the feed; the main thing is that a creative should be square with an aspect ratio of 1 to 1. This allows you to keep the attention of users.

Creative search options
It is important to understand that there are only three options for searching for creatives:


  • First: search for sources, where we examine existing advertising materials that we found, for example, in the TG channels of creatives specialists. This is a great source of free materials. This approach allows you to analyze successful creative elements and create your own based on them.
  • Second: the Facebook Ads Library is an online resource where all advertisements posted on the Facebook and Instagram platforms are stored. This tool allows users to view and analyze advertising campaigns and obtain information about advertisers.
  • Third: the most effective is to use specialized spy services. For example, Tyver scans and analyzes advertising campaigns in real time, providing information about the successful strategies and creatives of competitors. This helps you understand current approaches to the creation of your own unique promotional materials.
During practice, we will analyze each of these options in detail and make a creative.

TG folder with creatives' channels - Telegram Chats: Creatives

Making your creative unique
Each advertising platform has its own creative moderation algorithms and strict rules. For example, violating these rules on the Facebook platform can lead to negative consequences, such as blocking the advertising account due to prohibition of advertising activities or rejection of the ad (rejection).

However, if you have a successful creative found in a spy service or one that already has a good CTR and it would be a pity to lose it, then to safely use such creatives, arbitrageurs resort to uniquelization.

Uniquelization is a skill that allows you to use the successful methods of other webmasters and, at the same time, update your ads, reducing the risk of blocking. The uniquelization process includes changing, editing, and reassembling images, as well as working with metadata. All this is to create the impression that the files are completely new and unique to the network algorithms.

Image metadata is additional information that is associated with the image file itself. It may contain various information, such as the file name, author, creation date, resolution, color scheme, and technical information about the camera or device with which the image was taken.

You can delete or check metadata on the website (may not work with RU ip)


Automatic uniquelization of creatives
There are many services for working with metadata and uniquelization of creatives; one of them is presented on our website, FB-killa creative uniqueizer. It removes metadata and visually changes your image slightly.

Manual uniquelization of creatives
Just so you understand, you don’t need to be a technical specialist to uniqueize your creatives. You just need any graphic editor. Apply a shadow to the image you downloaded, shift the viewing angle, or complement the colors. These actions will slightly change the visual part and overwrite the EXIF information (metadata). Or upload the image to your Telegram, download it, and you’re done.

Altogether, the general recommendation from experienced specialists is that you should not use images from "spies" or take an already-working creative. Create 5 more similar ones based on this approach, and perhaps the conversion from one of them will be much higher.

How to make your own creative
There are several popular tools that can be used, depending on your needs and skill level.
  • Adobe Photoshop is one of the most common and powerful tools for image processing and creating graphic elements. It provides a wide range of features, such as layering, color and shape editing, adding text, and much more.
  • To work in vector graphics and create layouts, you can use the application Figma, which provides a flexible interface for designers and developers.
  • Online editors, such as Canva, provide templates and tools for creating a variety of graphics, including banners, social media posts, logos, and more. It’s convenient for those who have no experience with more complex programs.
It's important to choose a tool that suits your needs and skill level, and then experiment and be creative.

Purchasing creatives
At the beginning of your traffic arbitrage journey, you'll likely be constantly inventing new creatives to understand what approaches work best for your chosen offers and gain experience. However, as you gain experience in launching advertising campaigns, you will have less and less time to make creatives and develop new approaches. Therefore, many solo webmasters prefer to delegate this process to professionals who specialize in creatives.

On our forum, the section "useful links" presents the most famous experts in this field from whom you can order creatives. When you mention the forum FB-Killa you can get an additional discount.


Congratulations! You have completed the theoretical part of making creatives! Now that we understand the basic concepts and principles in producing arbitrage creatives…

Let's move on to practice
It's time to move on to practice. In the next part of our training, we will focus on practical skills and the real-life application of the acquired knowledge. [Day 3] Searching for and creating arbitrage creatives (practice)
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