Facebook Facebook workers say they are being told to give '200%' yet warned to prepare for layoffs as the company's reorganization gets under way

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  • Facebook is embarking on a reorganization. Workers are being told to expect significant layoffs.
  • It's dealing with a battered stock price, slowing growth and increased criticism of its spending.
  • Even high performers at the company are being told their days may be numbered.
As Wall Street prepares for another tough quarterly report from Facebook, employees are being warned by managers that even good performance may not be enough to save them from expected layoffs.

It's been a slow procession for employees the past several months as they've come to grips with their company being hammered by outside criticism and economic fragility.

Facebook started the year off aggressively hiring and investing billions of dollars in building "the metaverse." That quickly changed as the company froze hiring. With its stock down 60%, investors are publicly taking issue with it's big spending on hiring and unprofitable areas as growth in core businesses stalls.

Facebook and CEO Mark Zuckerberg are responding. Employees are now dealing with a new performance mandate of "increased intensity," if they'd like to keep their jobs. Even top performers are being told they're not safe. Teams and managers are being moved around and some managers are being forced out amid an ongoing reorganization, three employees told Insider. All asked to be anonymous because they are not authorized to speak publicly about the company.

"Zuck's message was loud and clear: You have three months to prove your worth, put in 200% effort, or you can resign now if you don't like it," one of the workers said.

This person said that although they have consistently received positive performance feedback, including via a recent "touchpoint" process, their manager, who was recently replaced and moved elsewhere within the company, made clear that even high performers "are not safe."

"He said he is preparing a backup plan and I should be too," the employee added.

Facebook, which last year changed its name to Meta, is looking to shrink headcount for the first time. By exactly how much is not yet clear and the subject of ongoing discussion among employees, with expectations ranging from 10% of the entire company to 20%.

"There is general consensus that we will have 20% fewer people next year," another employee said. "How that will happen, I'm not sure yet."

A company spokesperson declined to comment, only pointing to Zuckerberg's comments during Facebook's second quarter earnings call. He spoke of reduced hiring, shrinking some teams and that he expected the company to "get more done with fewer resources."

Snap, which recently did a mass layoff, earlier in the year told managers to select 10% of their teams as underperforming. It ended up laying off about 20% of the company and even closed its San Francisco office.

Brad Gerstner, whose fund Altimeter Capital owns hundreds of millions of dollars worth of Meta shares, published an open letter to Zuckerberg and Meta's board on Monday telling the company to cut at least 20% of staff.

Facebook HR sent a note to employees earlier this month saying the company will end this year "slightly smaller" than it is now, reiterating earlier comments by Zuckerberg. The note said that a recent employee review period called "touchpoint" was intended to target 10% of the company as "needs support," or underperforming. Insider previously reported the process was targeting 15% as "needs support," with a number of employees saying any layoff action would focus on those deemed underperforming.

"Teams are working on their plans for 2023 and we'll have more details to share in the coming months," the note from HR added.

This is the first time Facebook managers and directors have been asked to select a specific percentage of their teams to label as underperforming, or "needs support," two employees said. The company previously looked to "manage out" underperformers on a case by case basis, the people added. The new mandate came sometime in September.

The next more formal performance review period is in January, leading workers to suspect that a larger layoff will occur around then. The current reorganization is already resulting in what employees are calling "quiet layoffs," as Insider previously reported.

Some teams in engineering and the Communities team, previously Facebook Groups, have been reorganized in recent weeks, one employee said.

While not all teams are getting new managers, many are, another employee said. The person added that new managers coming onto new teams are being told "to ruthlessly monitor our performance until January."

The changes have decimated morale, the person said, leading an increasing number of workers to offer to leave voluntarily and attempt to negotiate severance. It's been tough, the person said, with most people only receiving two weeks of severance, if anything at all.

"The goal is to mentally stress and burnout a huge number of demoralized employees to quit without severance, thus reduce workforce without layoffs," the person added.

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