Education Landing and prelanding in arbitrage. Their meaning and role (theory)

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Welcome to day five of our course! At this stage, we will get acquainted with an equally important aspect of the world of arbitration: landing pages and pre-landing pages.

If we think from the perspective of online marketing and sales, it is important to understand that a landing page is no less significant a variable than the creative since it is the end of the funnel. And this is where the main sale of your offer takes place.

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Let's take a look at their functionality, advantages, and effectiveness of use.


Pre-landing (Prokla)
A pre-landing page is an additional web page placed between an advertisement and a landing page. The main goal is to provide users with additional information about the proposed offer. It is an important part of the marketing funnel, helping to attract and retain the attention of the audience and then direct them to the landing page to make a purchase.

At some point, all arbitrageurs used proklas for their intended purpose as an intermediate page, highlighting the main advantages:
  • Warming up the audience: the main content on prokla describes the offer and its advantages in detail, may contain reviews, and encourages the audience to purchase.
  • Filtering of non-target transitions: there is also an opinion that prokla will help weed out bots and non-target traffic and, as a result, does not distort landing page statistics. (But that is not for sure).
Types of prokla
You should already have gotten used to it; all the variables in arbitrage are divided into types, approaches, setups, etc. So proklas are also divided into types:

News page: a downloaded news page with the geo of the pouring, which is framed as a news article about some of the best drugs (this will be your offer).

Medical: preparation of an article with medical information. It gives an example of how a doctor treats patients with a certain drug in a clinic.

Personal blog: a blog of a doctor or an ordinary person that tells the story of recovery (weight loss), etc.

In simple words, pre-landing is a page with a “story” about the incredible success of our offer.

Where can I get pre-landing pages and landing pages?
Any affiliate program provides proklas and landing pages for offers. When you chose an offer on, you probably paid attention to the links that are located on the offer description page.


One of the main disadvantages of ready-made proklas from the affiliate programs is that they are already used by other arbitrageurs. Typically, such proklas go through several stages: first they are tested by the internal marketing department of the affiliate program, then they are tested in private with experienced webmasters, and only after that are they published for everyone. As a result, there are several attempts at pouring into one prokla, which can have an ambiguous effect on its effectiveness.

Therefore, at the beginning of your journey, while you do not have self-written scripts and have no idea which ones you need to use, I recommend paying special attention when selecting:
  • Affiliate manager tips: as I wrote earlier, in any affiliate program, the affiliate manager is interested in your success. Because the more you earn, the more they earn. Therefore, you can ask the manager about the CR of proklas and landings for the last week. The higher, the better.
  • Spy services: шn fact, arbitrageurs use spy services not only to search for creatives but also to search for proklas. You search for creatives for a specific geo and try to break through the cloaca (we will talk about this later in the lessons on creating an advertising company).
The most useful will be if you take an idea from a creative and download a self-written prokla... These proklas can then be very conveniently adapted with the help of technical specialists from the affiliate program.

Accordingly, your experience will accumulate over time and tests. You will have a large number of self-written proklas and select those necessary for split tests.

If proklas from AP are not suitable for you and you cannot find anything in the spy, you can make them yourself using online services for creating websites. Here, as in the case with creatives, the more unique the approach, the greater the chance of catching a high CR.

Inexpensive online website creation services:
  • Wix: offers a wide selection of templates and an intuitive web editor that makes it easy to create and customize websites of any complexity. There is a free plan as well as paid plans with additional features.
  • Weebly: a popular service that offers an easy-to-use website builder. It also has a free plan and paid options with advanced features.
  • a good option for those who want to create a website based on the WordPress content management system but prefer not to bother with the installation and configuration of hosting. It also offers a free plan and paid options with additional features.
  • Squarespace: known for its stylish and professional designs. This service also provides ease of use and tools for creating elegant websites. Paid plans start at an affordable price.
These services offer different features and prices, so the choice depends on your needs and budget. In any case, as in general in arbitrage, everything needs testing.

But first, I recommend using pre-landing pages from the affiliate program to gain experience and understand how it all works.

Another way to create an almost self-written prokla is to generate a history of healing, weight loss, etc. through GPT Chat, find a suitable template, and contact the affiliate program for help.

Let me note for you that our partner has such a service, and it is absolutely free. Editing, text translation, and adaptation take at least three working days:


Can also be ordered through a personal manager.

As discussed earlier, a pre-landing is a tool that connects an ad with a landing page. Its main task is to warm up the audience and stimulate them to make a purchase. Basic information about the offer is contained on the landing page, which is the end point of the marketing funnel.


Good news: landing pages do not have strict standard differences from each other (although this is possible). They basically look the same but are carefully designed with marketing strategy in mind.

Important: All landing pages, unlike pre-landing pages (there are exceptions), have a lead form through which the user orders a product, leaving their name and phone number. After which, the AP call center calls them and tries to sell the product over the phone.


Lead form

In simple words, a landing page is a page with a lead form and a description of the benefits of the product.

What to pour into?
Into a bundle of prokla + landing, a pre-landing with a lead form, or just a landing page?

You’re probably thinking, “Now I’ll set up my first advertising campaign, then I’ll pour it into the prokla+land bundle.” I can make your task easier!


Prokla + land
The option that uses pre-landing + landing is the most classic and oldest.

In this option, the pre-landing page contains links to the landing page, where the offer can be ordered.

At the moment, in the field of arbitrage at traffic pouring, the role of the prokla + landing bundle is quite ambiguous. When moving from pre-landing to landing, a certain percentage of traffic is lost.

Prokla with lead form
Many arbitrageurs prefer to put a lead form on the prokla right away, which sometimes helps to increase the percentage of sales. However, when working with SS offers, this combination remains relevant.

In this option, the buyer orders the product immediately from the pre-landing page because the lead form is here. There is no transition to the landing page; it is not included in the bundle.

During our practice, we will use exactly this option, pre-landing with a lead form.

Landing page only
This option is rarely used and mainly when working with a product, where already in the creative you can clearly show the benefits of the product and focus on the benefits, for example in a video creative. For nutra, options with landing pages are used less frequently.

In this option, the user transfers to a landing page with a lead form right from the creative.

Just so you understand, this is not a recommendation. You have the right to choose a setup for the pouring, approaches to creatives that are convenient for you, and also choose what kind of bundle will be: prokla + landing or prokla with a lead form.

In the first stages, you need to gain expertise, and this is impossible without practice.

Domains and hosting – what are they and what are they for?
In simple words, a server (hosting) is a virtual place where our pre-landing/landing page will be stored. The domain is the web address of our landing page.

We need hosting in order to upload our pre-landing/landing page there and link the domain to it.

Often, affiliate programs for beginners offer to use their domains. It is worth understanding that these domains have been used for many years, and someone is constantly trying their luck at arbitrage on them, pouring into different topics. Facebook is an analytically sophisticated platform and tracks many variables, including domain addresses. If you upload your content to an affiliate domain, it can lead to a loss of money, time, and nerves. Simply put, your account will be blocked.

Remember: almost always, AP domains and hostings are rotten for Facebook’s anti-fraud system.

You came to arbitration to make money, right? Therefore, always pour only into your own domains, uploading proklas to the purchased hosting.

Bundle in arbitrage
A bundle in arbitrage is a set of variables: offer, creative, pre-landing/landing.


The positive or converting bundle is a set of these variables that gives a positive ROI.

Gratitude page (“Thank you” page)
We have already discussed what a prokla and a landing page are in traffic arbitrage. We also now understand what a bundle is. But our bundle will not be complete without one more variable: you can call it a gratitude page or a “thank you” page depending on your preferences.

The "thank you" page is a bundle's variable that the user lands on after completing the target action.

This page is mainly used to set a short pixel that allows the Facebook algorithm to study, recording targeted actions as leads. Simply put, the person left a request, the Facebook pixel worked, and a lead appeared in our advertising account’s statistics.

As you gain more experience in pouring, you can also use this page to place additional elements, such as extra-monetization (showcases), that promote additional sales and redirect to other offers and teaser networks.

Standard "thank you" page:

Basic requirements for pre-landing (prokla)

And we will start with the headline. Since in prokla it plays a decisive role, determining up to 90% of its effectiveness. While the image on the main page either does not affect the conversion rate (CR) at all or provides a minimal percentage.

What should the headline be to effectively attract attention and increase conversions?

It is important not to forget: everything that we change in the creative, advertising campaign, or on prokla should help increase conversion. And only if you take that into consideration will there be a result.

First of all, the headline should reflect the pain of the potential lead. And, as usually happens in arbitrage, there are 3 types of headlines:

Practical: a potential lead should immediately understand what this prokla is about and what benefits can be obtained from it.


Translation: Prostatitis threatens your masculinity. How do you recognize and treat it?

Sensational: the main task is to evoke emotions in the target audience. Feelings of fear, surprise, and others.


Translation: life-long joint treatment! Doctors treat pensioners with expensive medications that make them addicted and “imprison” them.

Intriguing: it is important to convey the essence of the proclamation, while maintaining the veil of secrecy. Any uncertainty fuels interest in the further content of the pre-landing.


Translation: “Mexican methods of joint reconstruction cause only shock.” Excellent interview with a famous Chinese rheumatologist.

Considering this information, you should come to the main conclusion:

Working with headlines is important because they hook your audience from the first seconds they land on the page.

Dividing prokla into blocks
One of the important components of any high-CR project is dividing the text into blocks and adding illustrations.

You probably understand that no one wants to read long walls of text describing a product. It is very important that a potential lead is captured by the story, believes in the usefulness of your offer, and ultimately places an order.


By breaking the text into logical blocks, we not only reduce its volume but also maintain the interest of the audience through attractive headlines and images of their “pains”.

What does the structure of breaking text into blocks look like:
  • Each block name should be expressive, concise, and understandable. It acts as a focal point, drawing attention and adding visual richness to the text.
  • Use appropriate images under the block name. But it’s worth remembering that the pre-land should not be overloaded with them.
  • It is important that the blocks of text are approximately of the same volume — not too large and not too small. Ideally, they contain from 1,5 to 2 thousand characters.
Interactive elements
You can use various interactive elements on your landing page to attract visitors' attention and improve their interaction with the content. Some of these elements include:
  • Feedback forms: allow visitors to leave their contact information or send a message directly on the landing page.
  • Call-to-Action (CTA) buttons: direct visitors to complete specific actions, such as purchasing a product, filling out a form, or registering for an event.
  • Animated elements: you may include animated illustrations, banners, or elements with dynamic effects to attract attention and make the page more attractive.
  • Carousels or sliders: allow you to display multiple images or sentences in one block, which helps convey more information in a small space.
  • Video: integrating video content can significantly increase the appeal of a landing page and help convey key messages more effectively.
  • Reviews and ratings: showing customer reviews or product ratings persuade customers of the offer's quality and increase their trust in the company.
  • Interactive forms: you can use forms that change or expand based on visitor responses, creating a personalized experience.
  • Elements of social proof: including partner badges or logos, safety certificates, or awards can reassure visitors of the reliability and quality of the offering.
These and other interactive elements can help make your landing page more appealing and effective in attracting and keeping visitors' attention. But again, remember that you don’t need to overload; one or two elements are enough.

Using interactive on prokla:
  • The optimal number of additional elements on a pre-landing page is no more than 1-2 pieces.
  • It is important that the elements on the page complement each other harmoniously.
  • The integration of quizzes and calculators occurs after we talk in detail about the key advantages of our offer.
And the last block, which relates to the basic requirements for prokla, is “Comments”.

The importance of comments (reviews)
For as long as I can remember, wherever I purchase a product, I read reviews. Although subconsciously, I understand that they can be fake because, as arbitrageurs, we write them ourselves... But the essence remains the same: every person looks at the comments. Therefore, this block is very important on any landing page or prokla. And it gives additional trust if the comments contain “live” photographs of the offer and its application.


We have completed the theoretical part, and now you understand what pre-landing (prokla) and landing in arbitrage are, how they interact in conjunction, and what types of landing pages and prokla exist. We also got acquainted with the variable on which the short pixel is placed to track targeted actions in an advertising campaign.
In the practical part, we will go through a checklist of what needs to be changed and configured on a downloaded landing page or prokla before the launch of an advertising campaign.

Let's move on to practice
I propose to move on to the practical part of the fifth day of training — [Day 5] Refining the prokla to increase CR and ROI (practice)
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