Low quality traffic and low uproute? There is a solution

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Traffic quality should be understood not only as the cost of a lead but also as the conversion itself: whether our advertising has brought a solvent audience or not, whether there will be a deposit or not. For example, if you are faced with a low approval rate, the first thing you should pay attention to is the quality of the traffic. Despite the fact that quality does not always depend specifically on the work of the arbitrageur, traffic directly affects the effectiveness of the advertising campaign and the income of both the advertiser and the webmaster. Therefore, the issue of obtaining high-quality traffic not only does not lose its relevance but is becoming more and more important, especially with the Facebook surges and growing competition in some niches.

To improve the quality of traffic, you can take your time analyzing the market and testing options, drawing conclusions, and making decisions based on them. There is no optimal or single solution for all metrics and niches, but there are several nuances that are definitely worth paying attention to. Below, we will analyze four simple methods that can help improve the quality of traffic when pouring it on Facebook.

The first method
In order to get quality traffic, you need to decide what your goal is—what and how you are launching. For example, if you are pouring for gambling, then set the goal of purchasing in the application itself, because the installs will not give as good a conversion as purchasing in the application itself.

And if, for example, you are performing a standard pouring for conversion, then place a “Thank You Page”. In traffic arbitrage, it performs an important function while being a simple component of the landing page. The user gets to it after they perform the target action. It also plays the role of one of the stages of the sales funnel, aimed at increasing conversion.

A "thank-you page" is, in fact, one of the powerful tools of an arbitrageur to establish a “trusting” relationship with the user and to push them to make further purchases. After all, traffic that brings not only a one-time purchaser but also someone who makes several orders is long-lasting and high-quality traffic.


In addition, this page can be used to place useful content such as free courses, resource lists, popular posts, etc. After that, you can track those users who have subscribed to courses, newsletters, or resources displayed on the page, thereby targeting them with ads and offering repeat or related product purchases. A “warm” audience a priori makes a better conversion than a "cold" one.

You can also place referral links there to invite the user to share information about you; for example, send it to a friend by email or in Telegram. This is a good practice since most people like to share useful things with their friends, discuss, or recommend something. Also, place information about your accounts on social networks, giving the user the opportunity to subscribe to them to be informed about special offers, promotions, etc.


In addition, do not forget about how important it is to “get to know” your potential client better since, in this case, it is easier to launch targeted campaigns to reach the interested potential client. Feedback via survey is simple and does not take much time, so the chance that the user will complete it is high.

What is important for the client on the thank-you page?
It is important for any client to receive information about discounts and special offers, especially for repeat purchases. Therefore, actively use the page to post information about this: many make purchases instinctively when seeing a promotion because they are afraid to miss it out, meaning they spend more than they wanted. In view of this, an offer that is made immediately, in practice, turns out to be accepted more often than if you send information about special offers by email a couple of days later.

If you look at it from a psychological point of view, you should not forget that when making a purchase (a joyful event), people produce the hormone of happiness, dopamine, which means that at this moment the user is more inclined and vulnerable to an advertising campaign. Therefore, do not disregard such marketing elements.

Speaking in general about setting the goal of promotion, the following points should be highlighted:
  • before launching an advertising campaign, set yourself the main goal that you want to achieve. Most often, this is selling goods.
  • after this, subgoals are defined. For example, the user went to your site, watched the video, put the goods in the cart, and left. That is, they did not achieve the final goal. But the analysis of subgoals (entering the site, going to the checkout page) can help in answering the question “why?”. Perhaps the video is not suitable and it affected the client, making them change their mind, or the checkout form is tedious and inconvenient—all of this is a reason for analysis and testing.
To summarize, pay attention to the goal of the launch, what you want to achieve, and how to apply the right methods of promoting the advertising campaign. For example, if the goal of your advertising is to get the user to download the application, then the call to action should be exactly about this: highlight the importance and value of this for the client. And if you have chosen to buy a product, then put the emphasis on this. Do not blur this goal with general words or actions, so that the user clearly sees and understands what they need to do and why. Despite the fact that this sounds quite trivial, the choice of goal affects the quality of traffic, so approach it carefully. This will make it easier for you to analyze the reasons why the user did not convert with this ad and with the other, on the contrary, there is a crazy conversion. And when choosing a goal when setting up a campaign on Facebook, do not poke at random, but analyze each setting to understand what suits you best at this particular moment.


To improve the quality of traffic, it is important not only to attract the audience but also to entice them to make repeat purchases. Therefore, use all the opportunities that are known; the thank-you page is the second of these, in addition to choosing goals. Thanks to it, you will not only find out who “swallows the bait” in your ad but also be able to better understand the portrait of your potential client in order to better adjust targeting and the advertising campaign in general.

The second method
The selection of the right creative plays a very important role in obtaining quality traffic.

Roughly speaking, creatives can be divided into three categories: format, display concept, and triggers, and their main goal is to encourage the user to take a target action, be it clicking on a button to go to the site or buying a product. The concept of “creative” in traffic arbitrage includes everything that the user sees. Be it an image, title, text, visual, button, etc. It is also important, when making creative, to clearly and understandably hit the client's “pain” so that there are no situations when a person wants to pour traffic on potency but makes creative for enlargement (yes, they are more or less similar), or otherwise there can be a situation where a person leaves a request and thinks that we are talking about enlargement, and the call center will try to sell them dietary supplements for potency; in this case, most likely, the user will not buy the product because they expected something else..

Creative’s format
The "format" of creative means video, audio, gif, etc. Most often, they should be "screaming," enticing, and bright to attract the user’s attention.

Creative’s concept
The "concept" should be understood as the idea you want to convey with your creative. For example, the creative may show a use case for the product or simply an isolated image of your product on a neutral background so that nothing distracts the eye. “Emotions” that may arise from using a product or service also work well.


Triggers probably don't need much explanation. Such creatives are necessary to evoke a user reaction. For example, you can say that your dietary supplement is necessary for good and quality sleep, and thanks to it, you will sleep like a baby. Or speculate on an emotional basis: our product will change your life forever; with it, your life will sparkle with new colors.


But when choosing a creative, it is not only its components that are important, but also the fact that what is depicted on the creative must match what the user expects. That is, roughly speaking, if the user clicks on your banner and gets to the landing page, where the information does not meet his expectations, then most likely he will simply leave without performing any target action. Therefore, the call to action on the creative must match what follows after the click. Otherwise, trust will disappear, and interaction will be much more difficult to achieve.

There is no single creative template; each target audience, geo, and vertical has its own. Before making a creative, you need to analyze the product that needs to be advertised and study its target audience. However, keep in mind: you should not get carried away with everything at once on one creative. A hodgepodge is not the best option; the eye should catch on to one thing so that it is easier for the user to understand and choose. Try different concepts, test them, and see which one gives the best conversion.

As a last resort, you can always use all sorts of spy services for traffic arbitrage, where you can spy on “competitors” and look up ideas for creatives. But even if you take someone else’s idea, don’t just pour it out right away; refine it to make it more unique for yourself and your geo. And if you have a large budget, you can always simply buy creatives.

The third method
When monetizing traffic, one of the main elements that you need to focus on is selecting a target audience. In the Facebook advertising account settings, you are given the opportunity to configure the parameters of your target audience. You can resort to both detailed targeting and specifying basic points: geographic location, age, gender, and language.

Facebook may set the age range from 18 to 65+ by default, but in most verticals, you need to select at least 25 years and older to filter out the “poor” audience and get a solvent and interested one.

For advertising, it is better to target large cities with a population of over 1 million people. This is due to the fact that in rural areas or small towns, solvency is lower, people use online ordering services less often, and delivery is often long and expensive. And in large cities, due to the greater prevalence of delivery and online shopping systems, payment terminals, high wages, etc., the likelihood of finding a target user is higher. For example, if you are pouring on India, choose rich cities: Delhi, Bangalore, Mumbai, etc. They are well suited for crypto, casinos, betting, and goods. Choosing the same Dharavi, a “slum district” whose residents are below the poverty line, is not worth it. I think you understand why.

When linking GEO, also take into account local features, such as the flair of the city or country's population, in order to more accurately hit the target audience. India has many national holidays that can also be used when pouring ads in the creative or description; people are more inclined to purchase and spend during holidays. However, do not forget that each nationality living there may have its own holidays and traditions, and what works for one target audience will not always work for another.

For example, there is no point in pouring on Europe on New Year and Christmas: people are completely absorbed in the celebration, guests, many stores are closed on the eve, and call centers work at half capacity if we talk about the niches of the nutra or goods. Therefore, it is also important to monitor the seasonality when linking the geo.

Call center
If we talk about the work of the call center, it is very important, of course, when they call users, since some even large affiliate programs are guilty of such a problem, where a person is called a day later! That is, the potential client already looked at the landing page a day ago, left a request, and only then did they decide to call them. It is clear that the person has already lost 99% of their interest in buying the product. Also, another common thing that spoils the joy of the arbitrageur is the moment when the call center sells not 1 dietary supplement or a package of tablets, but 7–10 at once, and it is clear that the desire to buy something in many people disappears when they are told that they need to pay $300–$500 instead of $50 for a miracle drug. You probably wonder, "How is the work of the call center related to improving the quality of traffic from the arbitrageur?" And the answer is very simple: try to look for trusted advertisers who will not shave you, will promptly call the leads, and will not try to sell several dozen packages of goods.

Language selection
The choice of language also plays a key role in setting up targeting and making creatives. In the same example of India, there are two official languages: Hindi and English. According to Internet data, on average, 10–15% of the population speaks English fluently, and this layer is among the richest.

Hindi, on the other hand, is a popular language for the majority of residents. Therefore, when setting up targeting, do not forget about this: better set several main languages, including browser languages. Or if you want to attract a narrow audience, set up targeting accordingly.

Speaking of detailed targeting, you can also define people's interests. To do this, you can manually enter the required interests or choose them from those offered by Facebook. "Behavior" is another precise group that includes users' movements around the area, use of mobile or operating systems, making purchases, and so on. And behavior is more important in most cases, since it's you who choose what interests you. For example, one user who often buys sports goods on Facebook recommended them to another user. The second person subscribed to this product group but did not buy. Facebook will assign the interest "sports" to both of them, but one is really interested in goods and purchases, and the other is just a tagalong. Therefore, most often, working with the "behavior" section sometimes gives more results than "interest."


Also, for some niches specifically, for example, gambling or goods for accessories for tech, it may be important to users of which smartphone brands to show ads. And this can also be set up: choose smartphone brands, usage of Wi-Fi or mobile traffic, whether the user is accessing from a tablet or not.

Advice: set aside some budget for testing a new audience at least once every two months to find new clients who are not yet familiar with your advertising. This way, you will constantly expand your audience and test different options; one of them will be the most successful and profitable. Monitor the statistics to understand whether your audience is converting or has already burned out; if it has started to decline, then you need to either change the creative or the audience.

One of the most converting is the "look-alike" audience, that is, a similar audience. Thanks to this technology, the platform searches for and displays advertisements to those users who are similar to your customers. And creating such an audience has a good effect on the quality of traffic because it helps to find more new people who will definitely be interested in your product or service. As you can see, there is always some room for improvement in working with the selection of a target audience. There are many options and tips from the platform for the most successful advertising campaign. The main thing is to always test and analyze the options.

The fourth method
There is also room for improvement in terms of the connection between your fun page, creative, and landing. For example, if you are pouring traffic on ReduSlim, then it is logical for the fun page and your creative to be associated with this topic.



The product approach is the clearest one
Since we are talking about creatives, we can also highlight the product approach. What we mean is that in creatives, you don’t have to use some kind of teaser or medical approach, but instead pay attention to the product approach, where in a static creative or video, you can show the product in its best light. This way, the audience will immediately understand what you want to sell them. This may repel someone, but on the other hand, it will appeal to someone. In any case, the quality of traffic will definitely increase since a person sees a box/jar of a real product in front of them and not just some liquid in a basin, as in the teaser approach.

With this approach, you can even pour traffic on unpopular things, which can bring good results: Pouring traffic to unpopular areas in the nutra – parasites and fungus

Facebook is a convenient platform for promotion because of its large audience and wide opportunities for setting up advertising. With the right advertising campaign, you can get quality traffic and, respectively, leads.

Of course, there are many factors that affect the quality of traffic, such as seasonality, ad relevance, constant analytics and tracking of results, and even retrograde Mercury (joking), and so on.

But the main and key factors are still these three: goal, creative, and target audience. Build your work on the TPA principle: test, probe, and analyze. Thanks to this, you will be able to optimize your advertising to achieve the best results. Good luck.


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