Решено questions about page warming



21 Мар 2024
I have a few questions about this.
1.1. I create the pages from the auto reg account and connect them to the king, is this wrong?
2.you told me to heat the accounts for 7 days for example 1 bm 10 advertising accounts 1 king
I added 1 unique card to each ad account.
Do I need a separate page and a separate domain for each ad account?
If you have
If you have 1 king to heat 10 facebook pages for 7 days, the king must make at least 20 posts a day, is this a problem?
3.Can I use chatgpt for original content.
4.Do you mind if I add the pages to the bm?
5.How many dollars and how many days should the interaction ad we will open to warm up the FP
6.I think I need a unique white page for each site.For example, if I download a white page from an unrelated site and write a normal text about diabetes in chatgptye and delete the content of the white page I downloaded and add this white page, will this white page be a quality white page?
7.Отключите геоданные страницы, чтобы вас не могли отмечать; -- Should we not enter the address or should we hide it?
I found fake addresses and phone numbers on the internet and added them. - Is that objectionable?
8.does selecting health in categories cause this error

Последнее редактирование модератором:
  1. Domain 4-5acc 1 page - OK
  2. ChatGPT only CTA for creatives - OK
  3. I misunderstood your question. You can create a white page by yourself using the chat
  4. Keitaro - very good. Don't buy other
  5. Algorithms of audience selection for the gut vertical in Facebook work extremely unstable, so arbitrageurs always create advertising campaigns without narrowing the targeting - on the wide
I believe in you and you're gonna do great!)
If you have any more questions, be sure to reach out
Hello bro!) Good questions!)
  1. Yeas you need to get admin permission for the king - OK
  2. Heat account 2-3 days... no more
  3. 1 KING with BM linked 10 ads accounts
  4. 1 bank card linked 8-9 ads account
  5. 1 domain - 4,5 accounts
  6. It is not necessary to publish messages to warm up, you can simply like posts, add friends, add posts relevant to the offer in the fanpage
  7. Chat is suitable for creating CTA in creatives
  8. .Do you mind if I add the pages to the bm? - No problem if you use BM + ads accounts it's OK
  9. 1-3$ Warm no more
  10. No you need add black page and white page... Otherwise FB will block your ad
  11. YYou should use a cloaca service that will separate moderators and regular users
  12. I found fake addresses and phone numbers on the internet and added them. - Is that objectionable? - It's OK)
  13. I don't understand about that)
I'll wait your results (leads) or additional questions) Good luck!)
hello i asked about 8 items and got an answer in 13 items i am a little confused i will write what i understand to make sure i understand correctly.
1 domain 4-5 accounts // how much page ? How many pages are needed for 4-5 accounts? 1.domain 4-5acc 1 page ?
7.Chat is suitable for creating CTA in creatives
I think you are saying here that I should only use chatgpt for call to action and not for creating white pages.
10.No you need add black page and white page... Otherwise FB will block your ad
I don't understand which article you wrote this in response to.
11.YYou should use a cloaca service that will separate moderators and regular users
I use Keitaro filters, they said it was enough for nutra, but if you say it is insufficient, I can buy it.
13.I don't understand about that)
I think you are talking about the last item, and what I wanted to ask there was this.
when selecting a category on a related topic, it says we can select health.but my affiliate manager advised me to choose entertainment as a category that could cause this blocking, so I asked if choosing the health category would cause this error.
I'll wait your results (leads) or additional questions) Good luck!)
I will definitely open a topic for results and ad analysis, just waiting to do it in the most accurate way.
Thanks for the answers.
  1. Domain 4-5acc 1 page - OK
  2. ChatGPT only CTA for creatives - OK
  3. I misunderstood your question. You can create a white page by yourself using the chat
  4. Keitaro - very good. Don't buy other
  5. Algorithms of audience selection for the gut vertical in Facebook work extremely unstable, so arbitrageurs always create advertising campaigns without narrowing the targeting - on the wide
I believe in you and you're gonna do great!)
If you have any more questions, be sure to reach out

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