Education Selecting and analyzing an offer for the pouring. How to choose an offer? (practice)

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At this moment, you probably already understand that a high payout is not always the sign of a “good” offer. You need to focus on statistics and test a large amount of offers in search of the optimal combination.


However, we still can select an offer with high potential for the pouring. There are three steps to do it:
  1. Pre-selection of offers
  2. Filtering based on statistics
  3. Selecting an offer for testing
The training menu, broken down by day, can be found here - Training

Step 1. Preliminary selection of offers
One of the unspoken priority rules for a beginner is to choose a cheap geo for the traffic pouring. Globally, most offers are aimed at audiences in the USA, Europe, and the CIS. Two important aspects depend on the choice of geo:
  • Cost of traffic (how much you will pay Facebook for displaying advertising in the selected geo)
  • Payout (rate) for the offer (how much money you will receive for 1 approved lead)
The more solvent the audience, the more advertisers are interested in attracting this audience, and this increases the cost of traffic within the social network. Accordingly, the higher the cost of traffic, the more advertisers charge for the product. And this also directly affects the size of the payment.

The solvency and development of countries are determined by the term “Tier”. There are 3 tiers in total. They are designated by numbers 1, 2, 3.
  • Tier-1 countries stand out for their high standards of living and stable economies. These are places where people have access to a wide range of goods and services. Examples of such countries are the USA, Canada, France, and Japan.
  • Tier-2 countries, although developing, have lower purchasing power compared to Tier-1. These are countries where consumers are often limited in choice and access to resources. This includes Russia, Ukraine, Brazil, Chile, and the UAE.
  • Tier-3 countries are characterized by low levels of development and purchasing power. In such places, people often face limited opportunities and access to goods and services. Examples of Tier-3 countries are India, Cambodia, Vietnam, and Jamaica.
To summarize: In Germany, advertising is expensive, but the rates for offers are high. In India, advertising is cheap, but offer rates are low.



Here is a comparison of similar offers for prostatitis in Germany and India.

The payouts differ by almost 4 times. Although pouring traffic into poor countries is much cheaper.

For convenience, arbitrageurs have a free service that provides information on geo, Flag, currency, salary, bank in 120+ countries of the world.


By clicking on one of the countries, you can get basic information about it:


At the moment, some of the most relevant geos for the pouring are:
  • Europe: Romania, Serbia, Bulgaria, Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Croatia, and Lithuania (better approval, higher payments, but more expensive traffic and, as a result, the cost of the request too).
  • Latham: Argentina, Chile, Mexico, Colombia, and Peru (the approval is worse, the payments are the same, but the traffic is cheaper here, and therefore the cost of the request is also lower).
Usually, when a person first enters the field of traffic arbitrage, they have a small turnover (advertising budget), so all affiliate programs, and arbitrageurs in general, recommend starting with Tier 3 countries.

In general, the process of pouring to different countries does not have any specific differences; the only thing is that you need to adapt the promotional materials. To do this, contact the AP manager and ask to make a translation of materials.

Step 2. Filtering based on statistics
Since we have already introduced you to our partners, the CPA network, we will filter offers based on this AP.

Go to the AP interface, select the offers section, click “filters”, and select “TOP10” in the menu that opens. This section contains all the offers that are at the TOP and have good approval statistics. Next, based on the geo and payment data, we copy several offers to Google Sheets.


Step 3. Selecting an offer
We contact our personal manager and request approval and thrash statistics on the copied offers for the last 7 days. Thus, we choose an offer we will put into testing.

Example of an offer analytics

For the first time, it doesn’t really matter which offer you choose. First of all, it is important for us to try pouring, that is, to go through the entire process from registering in the AP to receiving the first leads. Ultimately, it doesn’t matter whether you pour in the black at once or your first launch will be in the red. The main thing is to acquire the necessary skills and understand the basics.

Important: Whatever offer you choose, consult your personal manager! And be sure to ask if the offer is going to be suspended in the near future. It happens that some offers are suspended by advertisers and it makes no sense to pour traffic to them.

Step 4. Selecting an offer based on the ratings
The affiliate program provides a rating of the most active offers, which you can request from your personal manager. Here in the screenshots, you can see that that’s exactly what I did. I wrote to my manager again and asked for clarification on the rating.


My choice of offer
In order for us to be on the same page and together achieve a lead in the AP statistics, I will select an offer, request statistics on approval and trash for them, and choose an offer for pouring.




After consulting with the manager, I chose an offer for potency: PeniLarge, geo: Turkey; unfortunately, they didn’t give a bump to the rate, but in general, this is a new offer in the affiliate program, and it’s worth trying to pour traffic into it.


TA portrait and analysis
Generally, most affiliate marketers do not analyze their target audience for the promoted offer. Many do not try to understand the buyer persona and simply act according to established templates.

Action according to templates still bears fruit because Facebook’s algorithms are so good that they themselves select the right audience for your creative.

Still, it is important for us to understand the general portrait of our audience. In my case, these are men experiencing problems with potency.

In order to better understand the topic, let’s open the Wikipedia page and learn a little more about the problem (yes, arbitration broadens your horizons).

According to numerous studies, at the age of about 40, men begin to have problems with potency, and cases of problems with potency at the age of over 25 are also not uncommon (usually due to psychological problems).

We get a brief portrait of our target audience: men about 30-65 years old.

In the future, this data will help us choose the correct targeting settings on Facebook when setting up an advertising campaign.

Next, we need to understand the pains and fears of our target audience, this will help us create high-quality creative.

Pains and fears:
  • Base: lack of erection during sexual intercourse
  • Fear of being laugh at
  • Fear of being considered not men
  • Fear of women's disappointment
  • Fear of going to the doctor due to the sensitivity of the problem
  • Fear of premature ejaculation
You can also search on our forum or on the Internet for cases and articles on pouring into the same geo and the same vertical. In my case, it’s Turkey, pouring into potency. A bit of searching, and I find what I need: Case: +$2500 with ROI 130% potency for Turkey.

You can also search for some that fir only your vertical (without GEO), just to get more familiar with the topic.

It is natural to recreate and copy someone else's case. I won’t, but you can get something from it. Someone else's experience is still experience.

At this stage, after consulting with the manager, we selected an offer and did a basic analysis of the target audience of potential buyers. Now let’s move on to the next chapter: making creatives.

You can read your homework and send a report on its completion here - [Day 2] Homework
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