Education Setting up and launching an advertising campaign on Facebook. Testing an offer (practice)

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Welcome to day seven of our course! We have already covered most of the material, and now we have come to one of the key topics: working with the Facebook Ads advertising account. This module will help you understand how to effectively use Facebook tools to launch and optimize advertising campaigns. We will look at all the features and settings in detail so that you can promote your offers as effectively as possible and achieve your goals.

The training menu, broken down by day, can be found here - Training


Facebook Ads is an advertising platform provided by Facebook that allows users to create and manage advertising campaigns. With Facebook Ads, you can promote products, services, brands, and events through targeted ads that appear in news feeds, stories, sidebars, and other places on Facebook, as well as Instagram and Audience Network apps.

If we take the main functions of the advertising account, we can highlight:
  • Targeting: ability to fine-tune targeting based on demographics (age, gender, location), interests, behavior, device, and more. This helps to reach exactly the audience that is most likely to be interested in the offer.
  • Advertising formats: a variety of advertising formats, including photos, videos, slideshows, carousels, collections, and canvases. Each format serves a different purpose and allows advertisers to choose the appropriate way to present their product or service.
  • Analytics and reporting: detailed analytics tools allow you to track the performance of advertising campaigns. Metrics such as clicks, views, conversions, cost per click, and return on investment help you measure performance and adjust as needed.
  • Optimization: the ability to automatically optimize ads based on campaign goals, be it awareness, traffic, lead generation, or conversions.
  • Budgeting and rates: flexible budget and rate settings allow you to control costs and get the most out of your investment. Advertisers can choose between a daily budget and a total campaign budget and can use automatic or manual bids.
The peculiarities of arbitrage are that we advertise goods prohibited by the platform rules. In such cases, we do not use targeting by interests, which is more typical for the business of promoting “white” goods and SMM.

The arbitrageur always targets “broad” (does not add interests), only indicating the gender and expected age of the potential lead.

Otherwise, the placement target (creative placement) depends on the niche of the offer.
  • Adult: news feed only
  • Other Nutra: auto placements excluding messenger.
  • Gambling: auto placements
Facebook Advertising Account
We have already entered your advertising account using the quick access panel in Dolphin Anti. At this moment I will show you how you can log into it through your FB account.

We go to the account profile of our farming King, select the menu in the upper right corner, and in the drop-down list there will be access to the advertising account.


Since we have created a setup based on BM, now we go to the advertising account settings and to the Business Manager.

We have already created pixel, linked all accounts, received a link for the pouring, and, in general, created a working setup. At the moment, we need to add a payment method (a payment card for the advertising account) and launch an advertising campaign.

Adding a payment method (a payment card)
As part of our course, it is important for us that you use only proven tools and services. Previously, we have already introduced you to our reliable partners who provide high-quality services necessary for successful work in arbitrage.
Now we would like to recommend you another important tool: a virtual card service AdsCard. This service will provide you with convenience and safety when working with advertising campaigns, providing reliable and verified virtual cards. And with the promo code FBKILLA50, you will receive 50 free cards after registration.


The main advantages of virtual cards AdsCard are instant issue in any currency and the ability to pay for advertising without verification and KYC. Besides, AdsCard offers arbitrageurs other opportunities:
  • No fees for transfers and withdrawals, including deposits in USDT.
  • Possibility of replenishment via SEPA, Wire, ACH, and Swift, covering almost all major payment methods in the world.
  • Possibility of mass payments by registries or API without restrictions.
The registration process is quite simple and does not require supporting documents. All you need to do is create an account and enter your email and password.


Virtual card’s issue
After registering and replenishing your balance in a way that is convenient for you, you need to create a card with the service. To do this, go to the section “Card for advertising” – “Cards” and create a Mastercard card to pay for advertising.


After creating a card, you will see a bin (number) and a CVC code for working with the advertising account.


Appointment of the King as an administrator of BM’s advertising accounts
Let’s return to our BM. Since we have one manager in BM and we haven’t added people, we will appoint our King (farm) as the administrator of all advertising accounts.

To do this, go to the "Ad accounts" tab, select each account individually, and in the work panel, click on the "Assign people" option.


As in the example with the pixel, you need to select full access and control. For this we select “Full control”.


After assigning your King (farm) as an administrator for all advertising accounts, select the payment methods option.


After that, we will be transferred to a page with all linked advertising accounts, where we need to link payment information (card) to each account. To do this, select the advertising account and click on the “Add payment” option.


After linking the cards, ALWAYS wait for 2-3 hours. Remember, rushing will lead to the blocking of your account or an early AAP.

To go from BM to the selected advertising account, in the "Ad accounts" interface, select the "Open in Ads Manager" option. For ease of use, you can open all 9 advertising accounts in King’s profile.


Thus, in our profile of the anti-detect browser, 9 tabs of advertising accounts of linked autoregs will be opened (it is important to do this from the King’s profile).

Now let's move on to the main section, creating an advertising campaign.

Facebook Ads: creating an advertising campaign
After going to your advertising account, create a campaign with the “Lead” target action and give it a name.

Since Facebook moderators rarely check campaign names, you can name it anything you like or leave the default name "New Leads Campaign".


After going to the advertising campaign settings interface, you need to turn on the toggle switch for the “Advantage campaign budget” setting. This is an automatic budget allocation setting that allows Facebook to optimize the use of funds by distributing the budget to different ad groups based on their performance.

Enabling this option helps ensure maximum effectiveness of your advertising campaign, since the system will automatically redistribute budget in favor of those ads that show the best results.


In the "Budget" section, I set a daily budget of $20. This means that every day the system will spend up to $25 to display advertising, which allows you to control costs and ensure a steady flow of traffic throughout the entire advertising campaign.

Click “Next” and go to the targeting and placement settings section. This ad set can also be given a name or left as default; I, in turn, indicate the target for which I am setting it. Since I have an offer from a niche Potency and my target audience is older men, I assign the name “Men (38-64) wide target”. In the title, I indicated an age limit of up to 64 years.

It is not recommended to include audiences 65 and older in targeting settings. Including people over 65 years old may attract a large number of retirees who will not need the product, increasing the percentage of irrelevant views and reducing the effectiveness of the advertising.
  • Conversion: select WebSite.
  • Performance goal: remains unchanged; we need the maximum number of leads.
  • Pixel: select the “master pixel”, which was created earlier and assigned to all BM’s advertising accounts.
  • Conversion event: Lead.

Attribution Window
The attribution window is the period of time during which a user action, such as a click or conversion, is counted in advertising campaign statistics. The choice of attribution window depends on the nature of the advertising campaign and the behavior of the target audience. If your campaign is targeting a product or service that takes longer to make a purchasing decision, we recommend leaving the attribution window at 7 days. This will allow you to consider conversions that occur several days after interacting with the ad. If your campaign is designed for a quick decision, such as a sale or limited-time offer, it is better to choose a 1-day attribution window to capture only those conversions that occur immediately after interacting with the ad.
  • Since most offers are more suitable for making a quick decision, I always set it for 1 day.
The next section is the schedule for launching an advertising campaign after moderation. It is believed that it is cheaper to start participating in the auction at 01:00 AM, according to the time zone of the target region. Thus, the $20 budget will be spread over 24 hours. If you leave the schedule unchanged, then right after moderation, your budget may be spent 2-3 hours before the start of the next day.

Today is 05/31/24. Respectively, I set the start of the advertising campaign for 06/1/24 at 01:00 AM


  • Location: select the geo where you will run advertising for your offer.
  • Language: Geo language
  • Advantage + audience: indicate targeted age and gender.
We do not indicate “Detailed targeting” since we pour into gray offers and only “broadly”.


The next section is for setting up “Placement”. As we mentioned earlier in the theoretical part, pouring into “gray” offers in Nutra has its own specifics; for the Adult niche, you only need to select a news feed.

Accept only mobile devices. The option is needed to ensure that there are no non-target clicks and a lower CPM fee.



Click “Next”; all settings will be saved automatically. Now go to the section for adding creatives and our ready-made link.

Set everything according to my settings:

Ad Name Section
  • Assigning a name: Creative 1
  • Selecting a farmed FP
Ad Setup
  • Without changes

Ad Creative
  • We upload the previously made creative, and after loading, we set it to full optimization (All optimization).

Next, we move on to working with the title and inner text. I already have some experience from the pouring, and I will gladly share it with you. In the future, you will have your own experience that you will use.

Working with ad’s text and titles
Since the title and description are dynamic, they will change depending on the click-through rate of the CTR; therefore, I include a description of the product and some of my own developments. I find the product description in a search engine by simply entering the name of the offer.

[Name of your offer] is a combination of natural ingredients that, due to their power, will help you literally change your life. Multi-track action allows you to consistently and comprehensively build your masculinity.

The compounds contained in [name of your offer] are known to influence the circulatory system, which, when stimulated, acts as a pump, increasing its volume. How? They regulate nitric oxide metabolism.

Primary text
  • Read the article, it will help you
  • This article will help you
  • Read more in our article.
  • Our online store respects the rights of the buyer. Strict confidentiality is maintained when ordering. Information is stored and securely protected.
Naturally, you translate everything into the desired language according to the geo of your pouring.


In the next section, we need to insert a ready-made link. For this, we open Tracker, go to the "Campaigns" tab, go to campaign settings, and copy the link.


Next, open notepad and paste the copied link from Keitaro. Now look at the end of the link; there will be a pixel value. We need to change it.


We return to the advertising account, find the section Pixel and copy the pixel number, then paste it into our link at the end instead of 111111.


Once again, copy the finished link and paste it into the advertising account in the website URL section.


Click “Publish”. After publication, the creative will go for moderation and will be assigned the “in review” status. We move on to the next accounts and make identical setups, only with different creatives.

Moderation results
Several advertisements passed moderation, and several were rejected.


Results of the initial test of the offer
After the launch, we spent $37 and received 12 leads, of which 6 were trash, 3 were rejected, and 3 were not reached via phone (“on hold"), and CC is currently still calling these leads, so they are relevant and marked with white.



It’s too early to draw conclusions from the initial test, but you can work on your creatives and proklas, spend at least $100 on tests, or try another offer. The main thing is that we were able to pour in and get leads in the statistics.

With the increase in the number of advertising accounts, it will not always be convenient for you to look after each of them, and in order to automate your work and focus on the pouring, there are auto rules.

Bonus: auto-rules
Auto-rules on Facebook are designed to automate the management of advertising campaigns. They can be used to set up certain actions to be performed automatically in response to changes in ad metrics such as budget, bids, views, and results. This allows you to optimize advertising campaigns, minimize costs, and increase efficiency, eliminating the need to constantly monitor and manually adjust campaign parameters.

At the moment, I will show you 2 auto-rules that are necessary to control your budget; in the future, you will be able to combine variables and create your own.

To create, go to the main interface of the Ads Manager and select “Auto Rules”.


After going to the rules’ creation interface, we will create the first of them, which will turn off the ad set if there are no leads at the maximum cost.

To do this, click “Create” and change the settings in the window:
  • Rule Name: Any name that is convenient for you
  • Action: Turn off ad sets
  • Conditions: Spent > 4.5 Results < 1
  • Time range: Today (if you choose another option, it will calculate the average for the given period)
  • Schedule: Continuously

The second rule will turn off the ad set if the lead price increases:
  • Rule Name: Any name that is convenient for you
  • Action: Turn off ad sets
  • Conditions: Spent > 12 Results < 3
  • Time range: Today (if you choose another option, it will calculate the average for the given period)
  • Schedule: Continuously

That's it! We launched our first advertising campaign for Nutra vertical) I congratulate you; now you are almost an experienced specialist without experience)

In the next chapter, we will discuss account blocking, ad rejections, and ways to deal with them.

After studying the practical part, I propose that you move on to homework: [Day 7] Homework
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