The 12 Best Ways to Make Money With Facebook Ads

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K, you’re on Facebook.

Your business profile is completely filled out and your page looks nice…

You are keeping a balance with self-promotion and sharing amazing content related to your brand.

You have an audience. A decent sized one. You even put in the effort to engage with your audience.

Things seem to be going well.


As successful as your Facebook page has been, is it as successful as it can possibly be?

Do you use ads to get your brand name out there and attract more of an audience?

Do you make money with Facebook ads?

Whether your answer is yes, no, or unsure, this article is for you.

How to Make Money with Facebook Ads

There’s always room for improvement, so let’s take a look at the 12 best ways to make money with Facebook ads.

Yes, there are actually 12 advertisement methods!


They fall under these Ad Types:
  • Awareness: Reach, Brand Awareness, Video Views, and Store Location Awareness
  • Traffic: Link Clicks, Landing Page Views, Messenger and WhatsApp, and Calls.
  • Engagement: Messenger, Instagram, and WhatsApp, Video Views, Post Engagement, and Conversions.
  • Leads: Instant Forms, Messenger, Conversions, and Calls.
  • App Promotion: App Installs and App Events.
  • Sales: Conversions, Catalog Sales, WhatsApp, and Calls

1) Local Awareness Ads

Ad Type: Awareness​

Strategy 1: Local Awareness

Strategy 2: Demand Gen


Another hot way to make money with Facebook ads…

Local awareness ads speak for themselves, on why they’re amazing for local store locations.

Such an underutilized approach that you can outpace your competitors for only $1 a day!

When you target your audience, you can specify where you want to target with the geographical tool.

Your ad will show up for people who are geographically near or around your business!

There’s even an optional call to action that can be included with your local awareness ad.

No more hoping that your ad will show up on someone’s newsfeed that lives nearby! Coming to a reality near you.

On top of Local Awareness Ads being underutilized, using Facebook’s Ad platform for Demand gen is also a way to stand out.

Now this post isn’t going to go into too much detail about Demand Gen, but you can read more about it here.

In essence: Build the demand for your brand & products, long before going in for the conversion.

This is such a cheat code in 2022 and so impactful.

2) Traffic Ads

Ad Type: Traffic​

Strategy: Link Clicks (CTC)​


The Domain ads, or Traffic ads, are a relatively simple way to make money with Facebook ads and get your name out there.

These ads are algorithm-supported ads as they show up on the right-hand column of your Facebook page, in your newsfeed (mobile & desktop), and across Facebook’s Native family of apps.

These ads come with a displayed title, a brief description, and a Clickable URL.

Simple, cheap, and cheerful.

When we look at when and why we’d use these ads, we’ll find there aren’t a lot of times in which you’d use them…

Except for when we run, what we call our Cheap Traffic Campaigns (CTC).

The name is exactly what it sounds like… CHEAP TRAFFIC.

The idea here, is through these types of campaigns we can filter the traffic through our retargeting ads, while maintaining a lower CPM or overall cost.

SO, although this traffic may have really low conversions, it’s saved by costing less than conversions / sales.

3) Post Engagement Ads

Ad Type: Engagement​

Strategy: Post Engagement / Video Views​


Whether running Engagement towards images, or Video Views, toward video creatives (images, videos, & GIFs) are the key to success on Social Media.

…and an extremely good way to engage with your fans – especially through video.

If you have a great video, post it. Videos can help you re-target, too.


By retargeting users based on the percentage of content consumed (25%, 50%, 75%).

Facebook has 8 billion video views per day.

Get on that!

This is an amazing way to make money with Facebook ads!

Yes, you can, too, small business brand!

Not only will you make money with Facebook ads this way, they work wonders with increasing audience engagement and followers.

For best results, check the comments left by users and respond to them to boost your engagement.

4) Facebook’s On-Platform Lead Ads

Ad Type: Leads​

Strategy: On-Platform Lead Collection Ads​


Lead ads are amazing… If ran properly.

Have you ever scrolled along your Facebook newsfeed, saw something you wanted to sign up for, only to find it taking you out of the Facebook app?

Which lead to a sigh because now your scrolling might be screwed up and you’ll just have to start over.

Well, there’s a solution for this.

Rather than leaving Facebook to sign up for something with your brand… Wait for it…

They stay on Facebook.

It’s genius! No more frustration from interrupted Facebook browsing!

Of course…. There can be issues with these kinds of ads.

First of all, you have to export the leads manually (unless you get another software program that connects with the API; which most do).

Secondly, depending on industry, these kinds of ads may not convert as well as a well put together funnel.

Seriously! Check out AdEspresso’s article on this exact issue.

Best thing to do? Test!

5) Facebook App Install Ads

Ad Type: App Promotion​

Strategy: App Installs​


Does your brand come with an app?

If so, the Facebook app ad may be just what you need to get more installs.

Facebook is really working to deliver every angle of your brand.

Displayed on a newsfeed with an image, a description, and a call to action, this is a great tool to drive installs for either a mobile app or desktop app.

Seriously. Facebook will promote the installation of your app!

Along with your local awareness ad, you’re able to post ads about events and offers going on with your brand.​

An App event ad is a superb way of letting your audience know that you have something brewing.

And in combination with other applications, you can retarget your audience based on the content or products they were viewing on your app.
Yeah, you’re really gonna make money with Facebook ads like this!


6) Conversion Ads

Ad Type: Sales​

Strategy: Carousel Ads​


Conversion ads are your bread and butter.​

These will be the majority of the campaigns you are – or SHOULD BE running.

Doesn’t matter if you have an eCommerce Brand driving Purchase Conversions, or are a Realtor looking for more leads.

Conversion ads are where you’ll find the best results.

In fact, all the other objectives and strategies mentioned in this post, are to support your Conversion ads.

From Catalog & DPA ads to static ads…

Conversion Ads ARE the single-best way to make money with Facebook ads.

Are you tracking? Good.

Now, let’s dive into a few of the Conversion based ads, like Carousel and DPA (or now called Advanced+).

7) Multi-Product Carousel Ads

Ad Type: Sales​

  • Strategy: Carousel Ads​

Carousel ads are very similar to your static ads.
What separates the two?
  • Carousel ad shows off multiple products rather than just a single image.
  • And unlike DPA ads, you have to manually build out your carousel ads.
If you have a lot of hot items, and feel DPA ads don’t offer enough pizzazz, this is a great ad type to use.

Plus, it gives more depth to the shopping experience.

It’s like browsing a shelf in an actual store to see if the item you’re looking for is there.

8) Facebook Catalog Sales Ads

Ad Type: Sales​

Strategy: Dynamic Product Ads (DPA) – or now Advanced+​


Take your retargeting ads to the next level with dynamic product ads (DPA).

The Facebook DPA’s work by targeting users based on their past interactions on your website or app, as well as OTHER websites and apps.

So if Suzy Q is looking for Jeans on, Facebook will show her your jeans from your product catalog.

Sounds a bit creepy and it is…

Nowhere is safe from ads.

They stalk you for days, like a hangover in your 40’s.

You can use this to your advantage though.

To do this, make sure your product catalog is uploaded to Facebook and that your Facebook Pixel is associated with the catalog.

Facebook then handles the rest!

It’s a necessary evil.

9) Canvas for Mobile

Ad Type: Sales​


While we’re on the topic of staying on Facebook and interacting with your product, let’s talk about canvas advertising.

Remember the carousel ad?

Canvas is a beefed up version of that carousel.

The canvas ad is a great way to have customer engagement via their mobile app.

With the canvas ad, customers can swipe through a carousel of images.

They can also tilt the image of the product in different directions as well as zoom in and out.

Pretty sweet mobile shopping experience, huh?

All while not ever leaving Facebook.

This is shopping of the future.

10) Facebook Shop Ads – Instagram Shop Ads

Ad Type: Sales​

Now while these are newer ad types, there is still a lot of work that needs done.

We have been testing these granted because we are a – Facebook Agency Partner – we do get the privilege of the $25k FB credit!

Ahh, yes.. That was a humble brag ?

From our testing so far, they can be hit or miss, depending on your Shop Design, Products, and Customer Service (this is a huge factor).

These types of ads are conversion ads, focused on Purchases, through your FB or IG Shop (the shop on the platform).

11) Facebook Sponsored Ads

Ad Type: Dark post​

Have you ever noticed while you’re scrolling through your newsfeed, you see a post that says “sponsored”?

These are dark posts.

They’re not so much evil as they are sneaky.

Dark posts are ads that do not show up on your business’ timeline but can be accessed by anyone with a direct link.

So these ads look like unpublished posts.

Dark posts are great because not only do they not take up any room on your timeline, but they also promote to specific fans of your page.

And dark posts allow you to use keywords, too!

Here’s where they turn into an absolute POWER HOUSE

Mix them in with an Engagement focused feeder campaign, and you’ll be swimming in the dough!

12) BONUS: Engagement ‘Feeder‘ Campaigns​

Ad Type: Engagement​

As an added bonus and to segue from #11 – the ‘Feeder‘ Campaign.

All a feeder campaign is, is a campaign where you place all new creatives (new ads) to determine how well they MIGHT do inside your evergreen campaigns.

This also gives said ads time to percolate through the system and garner a ton of Social Engagement (likes, comments, shares).

Which in turn, makes them that much more powerful and drive that much more in Revenue!

If the do well in the Feeder, they can then be promoted to Evergreen.

Final Thoughts

Phew! This is quite a list!

In truth, you can make money with all sorts of Facebook ads.

Ads are the driving power of your brand – they let users know that you exist and you may have what they need.

If you’ve got what they need, the money will come. You just need to make sure you’re appealing to the right audience.

When it comes down to it, it’s all about audience and stellar content.

Your content needs to look great, it’s relevant, and you have a target demographic.

It can be a challenge but give these ad styles a try.

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