Traffic Arbitrage Training 2024 from Facebook. Free course from scratch (Introduction)

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In the era of Internet development, more and more ideas for making money online are appearing. There are numerous articles about money-making, educational courses, and much more. Now everyone, regardless of past professional experience, can find their way in the online sphere. Previously, no one would have thought that you could earn much higher than the average salary while sitting at home with a laptop and without special technical education and relevant knowledge.

In this course, for the purpose of training, we will take a closer look at the field of traffic arbitrage for beginners, including all the basics and practical cases. In the world of online earnings, success largely depends on the number of views, clicks, and purchases made. The ability to attract and effectively monetize traffic is one of the most promising money-making methods both this year and in the future.

A course on traffic arbitrage from the FB-Killa forum team for beginners is a free opportunity for everyone who wants to start using traffic arbitrage on the Facebook platform.

Benefits of traffic arbitrage training course from FB-killa
  • For free: Today’s course is completely free and is in the public domain on the forum, accessible to everyone.
  • Relevance: The information in our training is timely.
  • Structure: We broke our course into sequential blocks, and you can study the training materials in a clear order.
  • Theory and practice: Our course will cover both theory and practice. We do not issue a certificate, but why need one if, during the training, you’ll receive all the basic knowledge of traffic arbitrage?
  • Support: Completely free of charge support on the forum. A student can ask a question, ask for help and receives an answer from support.
  • Homework: For each day (block) of the course, we provide with homework and then check it.
  • No deadlines or restrictions: You can start training at any time, take a pause, and then continue again. Course materials will be available, as will student support.
Why is it worth taking our training course? Our approach is based on practical experience, which will help you gain up-to-date skills in a short time and avoid the classic mistakes that beginners often make without training.

We do not promise our students results in the form of money earned or net profit. Our main goal is to provide practical skills, theoretical knowledge, illustrative cases and examples in the field of traffic arbitrage. We want people taking the course to be able to understand what traffic arbitrage is and have practical experience without the need to go to another blog for the missing information.

There is no easy money in this field; everything depends only on you and your desire to work, gain knowledge, and apply it, as well as your ability to overcome crises and failures and become better and stronger from year to year.

All in all, what this course requires from you is a strong desire and hard work, and we will provide help and support.

Who is this free training course on traffic arbitrage from FB-kill made for?
  • For beginners who have never heard of traffic arbitrage and who want to try a new type of earnings from scratch and learn all the theory and more beforehand.
  • For those who have heard something about traffic arbitrage and even read articles and seen cases but have never tried to do it, who have some theoretical knowledge and want to become experienced specialist.
  • For those who were once involved in traffic arbitrage but have lost practical skills and would like to try themselves in this area again.
In this introductory article, the purpose of which is to help beginners, we will analyze the basic concepts and terms of traffic arbitrage and try to understand how it works in order to navigate the affiliate market and get the necessary base to start.

The training menu, broken down by day, can be found here - Training

Traffic arbitrage in simple words
Now we need to understand what kind of area this is—traffic arbitrage—and how you can make money in it.

The main specific feature of this field is an Internet marketing strategy in which an arbitrageur (webmaster) works on behalf of an advertiser to promote their goods or services for a certain fee.

The arbitrageur acquires traffic from various online platforms and directs it to the advertiser's website. On a website, potential customers can take various targeted actions, such as filling out forms, downloading applications, filling out contact information, or purchasing a product. For this, the traffic arbitrage specialist will be able to receive the previously established reward.

Example: An advertising company that sells potency products is ready to pay us $20 for each referred client. We launch an advertising campaign by spending $100 on it. The advertising company receives 10 new clients who bought a potency product from them and ultimately pays us $200. Thus, we were able to receive $100 as income from traffic arbitrage. At the same time, it is important to understand that the advertiser does not pay for our advertising or other types of marketing (we spend our own money on advertising), so this solution is beneficial for him.

Thus, in the process, we spent $100 on advertising, earned $200 by advertising someone else’s offer (product), and pocketed the difference of $100. This is the whole point of traffic arbitrage: spend money on advertising and earn more. This is what you will be able to practice after completing the training course.

Affiliate programs in traffic arbitrage (CPA network)
To attract affiliates who will promote goods and services, advertisers create a special proposal called an offer. The offer specifies the terms of cooperation and the amount of remuneration. The offer can be placed both on the advertiser’s website and on a specialized CPA platform.

A CPA platform (affiliate program) is an online resource that acts as an intermediary between a webmaster and a direct advertiser. These platforms not only provide access to a variety of offers but also provide affiliates with all the necessary statistics for effective work.

In other words, an advertiser in arbitrage is the owner of promoted offers (products or services) who wants to sell them constantly, efficiently, and in large volumes.

An affiliate program (PP/Affiliate/CPA network) is an intermediary between an arbitrageur and a direct advertiser, as well as an online platform, a kind of aggregator of offers, that is, a place where you can choose an offer to your taste.


When choosing an affiliate program, it is necessary to analyze not only the proposed offers but also the terms of cooperation, the geography of traffic, as well as the quality of support from the affiliate network and its affiliate managers.

Role of an arbitrageur (webmaster):
  • Searching for a CPA network and connecting an offer: based on analytics on CPA networks, they search for a suitable offer (commercial proposal) with payment for a targeted action (per lead).
  • Setting up advertising campaigns: launch test advertising campaigns with a limited budget, after which they evaluate it effectiveness, number of conversions, and completion of targeted actions. The source could be an advertising platform, a blog, or any other resource with traffic. Configuration skills improve with training and experience.
  • Optimization of the advertising campaign: if the results are successful, the webmaster scales the advertising, increases the budget, tests new approaches, and disables ineffective advertising campaigns or ads.
Traffic sources
In arbitrage, the location where our advertising appears is the source of traffic.

In arbitrage, everything is systematized, and with the right approach, we do not have to do anything new; everything has already been done by the hands of experienced specialists in this profession. This applies to everything, including traffic sources, which can be divided into three main types:

Free traffic sources:
  • Collecting a network of Instagram accounts that attract a large number of subscribers using million-plus hashtags to direct traffic to gambling, dating, and nutra.
  • Parsing a database of email addresses from the social network VKontakte to send mass spam via Google Calendar.
  • Parsing a database of phone numbers to send spam in the Viber messenger.
  • Receive a database of mobile numbers for sending SMS spam.
  • Use the same base to attract traffic to gambling offers with payment for confirmation of validity.
  • Collecting a network of TikTok accounts whose target audience is interested in cryptocurrency, gambling and dating.
  • Creation of template websites optimized for search engines and attracting SEO traffic aimed at gambling.
Sources of paid traffic in arbitration:
  • Advertising networks provide a wide range of opportunities to attract target audiences for the needs of specialists.
  • Social networks, in particular, such as Facebook and Instagram, TikTok, Twitter (X), Linkedin, Telegram, are popular, useful, and effective channels for promotion where you can achieve large coverage and audience engagement through user traffic (in our course, we will work specifically with Facebook).
  • Search engines, including Google, Bing, and Yandex, provide a flow of users interested in specific topics and queries.
  • Native advertising on websites (including both commercial websites and blog sites) allows you to organically integrate advertising content into the context of publications, after which they become more credible.
  • Advertising with bloggers and video bloggers allows you to use their audience to promote products or services, and the blog itself has good authority among users.
  • Advertising in channels, chats, and streams is a great way to get the attention of your target audience in real time.
  • Traffic from mobile apps provides access to the user base of mobile devices, opening up good opportunities for targeted advertising.
Freemium traffic
It uses all the same sources as the purchased one, but with the condition that account promotion is involved through commenting on posts, liking publications, uploading videos, and other creatives for integration into the social network (most often Reels, TikTok, YouTube Shorts, VK clip,s and other). The opportunity to pour for free attracts many, but you need to understand that you will still have to incur minimal costs for consumables.

Arbitration types: white, gray, black
There is a certain gradation in arbitrage: the world of traffic is divided into three main areas depending on the type of offers you intend to start promoting.
  • White arbitration: involves the promotion of permitted goods and services, such as eCommerce, commodities (smart mop, pet brush), mobile games and applications, English courses, as well as client projects. Here, the emphasis is on the accuracy and reliability of the information, and the advertising materials used by the author should comply with the rules and policies of the site where the advertisement is placed. There are a lot of materials on the Internet for learning how to work with white arbitrage, since it is the easiest to use. But not a single article from these materials will tell you what to do if you encounter difficulties with moderation and pushing through controversial creatives.
  • Gray arbitration: associated with the promotion of goods and services, for which advertising is limited or prohibited on the Internet. This could be dietary supplements and medications, the promotion of casinos and bookmakers, as well as the advertising of dating sites. This type of arbitration uses more aggressive advertising methods with bright images and attractive headlines, as well as the cloaking method: due to the substitution of content, the ad is not noticed by bots and confidently passes the moderation of the source.
  • Black arbitrage: a traffic arbitrage strategy in which the arbitrageur uses prohibited or unfair methods to promote goods or services on the Internet. These methods may include various types of scams, malware, phishing sites, scams, and other illegal practices (which we disapprove).
The division by color is very loose, and sometimes these colors intersect.


Where did the color division come from?
The origin of traffic arbitrage can be traced back to the practice of creating MFA (Made for Adsense) websites by SEO specialists and webmasters. Accordingly, most of the terminology was borrowed from the field of SEO and the practice of local specialists. In the CIS countries, this is a division by color, and in Europe, there are such concepts as “Blackhat” and “Whitehat”.

The term "Blackhat" is used to refer to prohibited methods of search engine optimization, in particular, such as the use of doorways, cloaking, bulk purchase of links, spam with keywords, wrapping behavioral factors, and others. At the same time, working in compliance with the basic rules of the platform is called “Whitehat”.

During the training process, we will work with the “gray” type of arbitrage traffic and choose various dietary supplements (products for potency, weight loss, rejuvenation, etc.) for advertising.

Traffic arbitrage verticals
In traffic arbitrage, in addition to division by color, there is also a vertical gradation of promoted offers where arbitrageurs direct their traffic. Let's look at the main verticals and their useful and good features:


“White commodities”
White commodities. This category presents various products with a “wow” effect. This is one of the most extensive verticals and is suitable for a wide range of affiliates with different interests and skills (you can read more about the situation with commodities in arbitration in the article "How did WOW commodities play out in arbitration?").

Example: electronics, suits, dresses, cosmetics, and household appliances.

Gambling and betting:
This vertical presents various offers from online casinos, bookmakers, and other gaming platforms. Arbitrageurs in this vertical attract an audience interested in gambling and sports betting, and many cases in the field relate specifically to iGaming, which combines these verticals.

Example: advertising an online casino or bookmaker.

A vertical covering offers related to educational services, online courses, trainings, and other educational materials. This category may be attractive to arbitrageurs working with an audience interested in self-development and learning.

Example: online courses in languages or programming.

This vertical includes offers related to the sale of health products, supplements, vitamins, and other products aimed at improving physical condition and appearance. Affiliates in this vertical usually work with an audience that is interested in personal health.

Example: Medicines for potency, medicines for joints, teas for weight loss, dietary supplements, etc.

The adult vertical includes offers related to the promotion of offers related to the dating industry. This may include products for penis or breast enlargement (the latter can be classified as an adult-nutra sub-vertical).

Example: dating sites, penis enlargement, breast enlargement, etc.

This vertical presents offers related to financial services, in particular, such as loans, insurance, investments, etc. It is usually attractive to arbitrageurs working with a target audience interested in financial issues.

Example: offers for loans, credit and debit cards, or investments in funds.

Crypto is a vertical where all offers are somehow related to digital finances. Works well via resources with a high audience trust, such as a personal blog or course on making money on cryptocurrencies.

Example: offers on investments, trading, auto trading, and various courses.

In this course, we will look at one of the most technically complex verticals for pouring traffic, “Nutra.” In this vertical, there are a large number of different types of bans and restrictions on Facebook. However, having mastered this vertical, you will feel comfortable in any niche and will be able to start working with almost any offer.

Types of traffic in arbitration
People who visit a website or use a particular online resource in a specific period of time, such as an hour, a day, or a month, are called traffic. The term can also be used to describe the sources where the visitors come from, such as search engines, social networks, or websites. There are six main types of traffic in total.
  • Direct: when the user directly types the website address in the browser. It is logical that this is free for the site itself, but it is extremely difficult to attract such traffic without a reputation.
  • Organic: when people find a site through search engines or links.
  • Referral: when the user follows links from other affiliate sites or applications.
  • Paid: when a user navigates to a website based on advertising.
  • Traffic from social networks: the user follows an invitation from social networks.
  • Uncertain: when it is impossible to determine exactly where users came from.

Basic terms of traffic arbitrage:
Like all areas, traffic arbitrage has its own terminology; most of it is taken from Internet marketing, but it also has its own specifics. Here are some basic terms, and full coverage of the topic will come with experience.
  • Arbitrageur: a person involved in traffic arbitrage, i.e., buying and selling goods or services for the purpose of making a profit due to the difference in price.
  • Advertiser: a person or a company owning or operating an offer, product, or service.
  • CPA network: a network that connects advertisers with publishers to implement Cost Per Action programs.
  • Offer: an offer or a product that an advertiser offers to its audience to sell or generate leads.
  • Bump: represents an increase in payout for a specific offer.
  • White offer: an offer that complies with the rules and policies of the advertising platform and does not violate their requirements.
  • Gray offer: an offer that may violate the rules or policies of the advertising platform, but is not always illegal.
  • Vertical: the grade of products in which an advertiser or CPA network operates.
  • Lead: a potential customer who has expressed interest in a product or service by filling out a form or taking another action on a website.
  • Coverage: the number of unique users who saw an advertisement or visited a website.
  • Approve: consent or approval of an offer or advertisement by an advertising platform or a product owner.
  • Deeplink: a method used by arbitrageurs to defraud advertising platforms by changing referral links or other parameters.
  • Case: a description or analysis of a successful arbitrage campaign, strategy, or experience.
  • Cloaca: a technique used by arbitrageurs to bypass the rules of advertising platforms and mask prohibited content.
  • Conversion: converting a website visitor into an actual customer or lead via making a purchase or filling out a form.
  • Landing: a web page created for a specific advertising campaign to attract attention and action from users.
  • Pouring: means launching or setting up an advertising campaign to attract traffic to an offer or landing page. You can pour either in plus or minus.
  • Owner: owner of a company or an arbitration team.
  • Profit (ROI): revenue or profit generated from an advertising campaign.
  • Thrash: low-quality traffic or advertising that does not generate income or meaningful results.
  • Transitions: the number of users who followed an advertising link to a website or landing page.
  • Prelanding: an additional web page or material preceding the main landing page and designed to increase the effectiveness of an advertising campaign.
  • Subaccount or subid: a specialized tool used to collect information about users’ actions and analyze statistics.
  • Traffic: the number of users or visitors arriving at a website or landing page through advertising sources.
  • Tracker: a system or a software for tracking and analyzing the effectiveness of advertising campaigns and traffic sources.
  • Targeting: setting up an advertising campaign to reach a specific audience or group of users based on their interests, demographics, and behavior.
  • Hold a delay time before a commission is accrued for an action or a sale. Typically used in CPA networks.
A larger arbitrage dictionary can be found here.

So, we have discussed what traffic arbitrage is, what types of traffic there are, what verticals exist, and even dived a little deeper into the terminology to understand the sphere from the inside. At this stage, everyone probably has a question: is it even possible to earn decent money from traffic arbitrage to cover both basic needs and extra expenses?

How much can you earn from traffic arbitrage?
Earnings from traffic arbitrage are not limited to a certain amount. It depends on many factors, including the choice of offer and the quality of an advertising campaign.

Let's take a look at some statistics:
  1. Top arbitrageurs: in interviews with experienced arbitrageurs and in the content of video tutorials from large platforms, impressive numbers exceeding $5,000 per month are often mentioned.
  2. Beginning arbitrageurs: for those who are just starting their journey, potential earnings can vary from $100 to $700. This depends on the level of investment, effort and overall success of the beginners.
  3. Experienced Teams: arbitrage teams with extensive experience can achieve turnovers of several hundred thousand dollars. In such projects, the total profit per person can range from $500 to $4000 per month, depending on the position held, given active involvement and a competent approach.

How much money is needed to start working in traffic arbitrage?
Considering the knowledge obtained while reading the introductory part, you already understand that working with traffic means monetizing it. Naturally, like with any type of business, an initial investment is required; it is very difficult to start without it. We will analyze in detail how much you need to get started, and here is our choice of consumables:

Basic tools for working with traffic
  • Anti-detect browser: Dolphin (free version is suitable for beginners)
  • Mobile proxies: $50 (you should never skimp here)
  • Cloaca: Cloak IT: from $60 (using code FBKILLA - 40% discount)
  • Tracker: Keitaro: $53 per month (with code FBKILLA - 25% discount)
  • Spy service: Tyver $75 per month
  • FB accounts: ~$50
  • Server and domains: ~$25
  • Budget for launch and release of cards: AdsCard~ (with code FBKILLA50 - 50 free card) $80
As a result, in order to understand how arbitrage works and not burn out on the first offer, you will need ~$400 for basic tools.

One of the key expenses for testing an offer and searching for a bundle will be the advertising budget. There is no such thing as a free lunch, as you know, but this course suggests you consider investing a fairly modest and adequate amount to start.

Regardless of the chosen vertical, most affiliate traders begin their activities in Tier-3 countries. Latin America, the CIS, and Africa will become your reliable partners at the first stage.

If you choose the right approach and a competent investment strategy, it is enough to have $600-700 to find bundles with ROI of 30% and above, which can be further optimized and improved when you learn the basics and gain experience after training.

Based on general calculations, for the initial start in arbitration our course suggests you allocate an amount of about $400-500, ideally $1000.

How to start training?
Just register on the forum FB-killa (traffic arbitrage and advertising on Facebook), go to the tab Training, and start studying the course from day one, completing homework, submitting reports, and asking questions at a convenient time.


This concludes the introductory part of the course on traffic arbitrage from the FB-killa team. To move on to the first block of training, we need to understand what industries exist within arbitration, what verticals and what types of sources a practicing arbitrageur uses, and also remember the meaning of basic terms since we will need them in the next lessons.
  • The author of the course is a member of the FB-killa team, Konstantin, a practicing arbitrageur and author of the telegram channel CPA Wanderer.
  • The course was created with the help of FB-killa CEO - StalkerOK, Chief Editor - Julia, and PR - Vlada.


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