- Включить нумерованное содержание?
- Да
At this stage of training, we have registered in the affiliate program, selected an offer for the pouring, prepared creatives, studied the theoretical part about accounts, and already have a rough understanding of the setup for the pouring. In this practical part of the training, we will download an antidetect browser, buy and register a proxy, and prepare accounts for uploading.
Registration and installation of an antidetect browser
Earlier in the theoretical part, I mentioned that in order to work in the field of arbitrage and other areas related to multi-accounting, it is necessary to use browsers that change the Fingerprint.
Among our partners, the leading place is occupied by the antidеtect browser Dolphin{anty}, known as one of the best in the field of arbitrage. This browser is designed to simplify the workflow for both teams and solo arbitrageurs.
The main advantages of this browser for arbitrage
And in the future, you will need more profiles. To get a 20% discount on your first purchase at antidetеct enter FBKILLA in the “Promo Code” field when registering.
To install and activate the browser, go to dolphin-anty.com, sign up, and then download the browser.
After installing the browser and launching it, we will get acquainted with its main interface:
After we have installed the antidetеct browser and familiarized ourselves with its basic functionality, it’s time to get started. First, we need to add a proxy.
Our forum has three verified proxy providers that will ensure a stable and secure connection while using the browser. Each of these providers offers a wide selection of proxies across different countries and with varying degrees of anonymity.
Our team has carefully selected these providers so you have reliable and high-quality proxies for successful arbitrage work.
A premium proxy service that many people use for various business tasks, including traffic arbitrage. It provides an attractive tariff; you pay only for the traffic used at a price of 3$/1GB (using the promo code FBKILLATEST, you will receive a bonus of 3GB). Proxies are stable and easily integrated with various programs. The cost of residential and mobile proxies is the same: $3/GB. There are more than 150 geolocations, with additional settings by city and ASN.
You can top up your balance the way you prefer, by card or cryptocurrency.
Also, Asocks has a referral program, and you have the opportunity to increase your balance by inviting new users to the platform.
Mobile proxy
Mobile proxy offers a wide selection of private and dynamic mobile proxies that can be tested for free. Proxies are activated instantly after payment, which allows you to start working right away. Using the promo code FBKILLA, new customers receive a 21% discount.
The advantages of the proxy include parallel operation of the HTTP and SOCKS protocols, unlimited traffic, the ability to change IP, work with APIs, and high connection speed. They also offer a wide selection of IP addresses and guarantee their reliability.
Same as the Asoсks, there is a referral program that will allow you to earn money by attracting new users.
Lteboost offers mobile proxy services that can be useful for various purposes in Internet marketing and traffic arbitrage. The service guarantees stable operation and offers various connection options, including HTTP(S), and SOCKS5 protocols. You also have the opportunity to select geolocation and automatically change proxies to ensure your anonymity. And if you use the promo code FBKILLA you can get a 5% discount.
Asocks, Mobile proxy, and Lteboost are three leading mobile and residential proxy services. They provide the ability to choose a proxy according to your requirements, ensuring comfortable and efficient use.
You can register for each of these services, take a trial period, and evaluate each of them yourself. My recommendation is to use USA mobile proxies.
After choosing a proxy service, we move on to purchasing accounts. We would also like to recommend our partners to you and highlight two stores that specialize in selling high-quality trust accounts.
Make Money.shop
The store offers a wide range of different types of Facebook accounts, as well as high-flying business managers.
The store stands out from the majority due to the careful verification of each supplier in terms of the quality of the provided accounts. It is also worth noting the ability to choose a convenient payment method and the availability of 24-hour technical support.
The store has its own telegram channel MakeMoney FB accounts, where they share information about working with accounts and, in general, various tricks for working with the Facebook platform.
There are also bonuses for our students in the form of 5 accounts and a 20% discount. To do this, you need to write @makemon12 "I'm from FB-killa."
As in the previous store, there is a wide range of different types of accounts, Fan Pages, and BMs.
One of the key advantages of this store is its own farming team, thanks to which quality is guaranteed.
You can independently check the quality of accounts in both stores or use them alternately. From our side, we recommend that at first you buy accounts like King with BM and autoreg geo USA.
Create a profile in the anti-detect browser
As we learn, we are getting closer and closer to the stage of creating our first advertising campaign. At this point, we will create the first profile in the anti-dеtect browser, add a proxy, and enter data into your account profile.
Profile in the anti-detеct browser is an emulation of a standard browser profile, with a unique hardware fingerprint, user agent, IP address, and cookies.
After creating a profile in the anti-detеct, we recommend to “get cookies” before logging into your FB account on sites where Facebook pixel is installed.
This will add trust to the account in the eyes of FB, showing that we are logging into our account not from a “bare” browser but from a browser with a certain history of logins and visits to other sites.
First of all, you need to purchase proxies and accounts in the amount of 1 King and 9 autoregs in one of the stores that we mentioned earlier (you can have several autoregs).
Go to the main interface of Dolphin browser, go to the proxy tab, and on the right side click + to add.
You will be taken to the adding proxy section, where you need to enter basic data. On the left side is a table indicating in what format they need to be written..
I bought proxies and received them in the format: (I will use them for all profiles in the anti-detеct)
And then I put them in the anti-detect when I was creating a profile.
If you did everything correctly, the added proxies will be highlighted in green as active.
Also, you can check the performance of the proxy using our tool: Proxy checker FB-killa
Next, go to the main browser interface, and to add a profile click + on the right side again.
When purchasing an account, we receive a text file containing:
The interface window for adding an account profile will open. You need to set the name of the account profile, enter a user-agent, and cookies. In the additional notes window, write: login, password, and email (this data is also written in the account file).
We copy the account data (cookies and user agent) one by one and paste it into the required fields in the interface window.
After adding profiles, your accounts are ready for a launch.
We do the same for all purchased accounts, adding our mobile proxies everywhere. There is no need to purchase separate proxies for each account!
Thus, we will have several active profiles in еру anti-detect browser (the same number as the accounts you bought), from which we will upload in the future.
Farming accounts
After we have added account profiles to the anti-detect browser, we need to increase trust in the Facebook algorithms for these accounts.
In the theoretical part, we discussed that creating and farming accounts from scratch is inappropriate since any suspicious actions can lead to the account's verification or blocking.
Currently, only a few teams engage in manual farming, as there are specialized services for this. If we are talking about manual farming, then physical SIM cаrds are usually used, and the drawn documents are checked manually. In general, such farming accounts cost about $20. The best option is to purchase an autoreg and further farm it in order to increase its trust to the “king” level.
Farming is the process of account registration and its activity in order to make it look like a real user's account as much as possible. This makes it possible to engage in the necessary activities, in our case, arbitrage (advertising), with minimal risk of arousing suspicion from algorithms or moderators.
Although a large number of schemes for farming accounts can be bought on the Internet, in fact, there is no ready-made scheme. In general, you simply need to imitate the actions of an ordinary person.
Imagine that you recently registered on a social network and logged into your account. Naturally, in one day you will not actively fill out your profile, like all posts in a row, or add as friends an endless number of people who are absolutely unknown to you. And even more so, you will not go into the advertising account since very few users even know about its existence.
Everything needs to be done gradually. Let's break it down day by day.
Farming scheme
Day 1 Filling out your profile
Filling out your profile (place of birth, country of residence, marital status, place of study, etc.)
Adding photos with metadata removed
Day 2 Social activity within FB
Posts on the wall
Uploading photos to the gallery
Subscription to groups on nutritive topics (medicine, weight loss, product groups)
Day 3 Activity with groups
Likes/reposts/comments on other people's photos
Likes/reposts/comments on posts in groups
Adding friends
Day 4 Social activity within FB
Creating and filling out a Fan Page
Adding stories from your account photos
Playing mini-games on Facebook
Day 5. Activity outside FB (but in the browser profile where the account is logged in)
You need to get as many cookies as possible and register on different sites using your Facebook account.
Thus, after 5 days you will gain more trust for your account from Facebook algorithms.
It may seem to you that you need to perform a lot of actions with each account, but it takes no more than 5-7 minutes. At the same time, your accounts become stronger and more resistant to blocking by Facebook.
The profile of a farmed account looks like this:
Creating a Fan Page
On the fourth day of account farming, we go to the Pages tab and create our first Fan Page. So that you understand, Facebook FP is the main tool on behalf of which you will launch an advertising campaign. Therefore, you need to fill it out as relevantly to your offer as possible. Since advertising nutra is against the platform's advertising policy, you need to use associative thinking to come up with a name and description.
When creating, be sure to fill out all fields:
Since I chose the Adult offer niche, I will show you the final result of my page.
So now we already have an understanding of how to add proxies and create account profiles in the anti-detect browser. We know the basics of farming and how to create the most relevant to the offer Fan Page. Now the most important thing that remains is to choose a scheme for the launch.
Scheme (of pouring): a way to launch an advertising campaign based on accounts.
3 types of launch scheme
This means that if something works for you, it doesn't mean that it will work for someone else... So, testing, testing, testing.
Let's consider the main methods of linking (transfer of rights)
Transfer of rights is the transfer of advertising accounts/BMs/FPs from an account with low trust to a professional account (King). I.e., transferring rights to manage an advertising account to another account.
Pros of the transfer of rights:
Rights’ transfer is quite simple. You just need to add autoreg profiles as friends to your farm account (King) profile and transfer the advertising account for management by marking King as an administrator.
To do it, go to the main profile of the farming account and the autoreg profile at the same time in the anti-detеct browser. From the farm’s address bar, copy the link to the profile and paste it into the address bar in the autoreg profile. Click search. After the farm profile has loaded, click the "Add friend" button.
After that, go to the main account profile and add autoreg as a friend from notifications.
Now you need to link all autoreg profiles to the main farming account.
After you have linked (added as friends) all accounts, you need to transfer the rights of the autoreg’s advertising accounts to the farming account. To do this, go to the tab Ads Manager in the top quick-access menu of the browser. This way, we get into the advertising account.
On the right side of the advertising account, select ”All tools”, then “Ad account”.
After going to the advertising account settings menu in the “Ad Role” window, click the “Add People” button. In the window that appears, select the farm account profile and assign it the administrator role.
Thus, the farm account becomes the administrator of the autoreg advertising account.
Scheme 3: Transfer of the rights to the BM
To do this, the farm account (King) must have a Business Manager.
In this scheme, we link autoregs to King’s BM and not to King himself.
In the quick access menu of the King account, go to the tab Business Manager, select BM, and go to its main interface.
Our main working tabs are Pages, Ad accounts and Pixel.
Adding a Fan Page to BM
On the Pages tab, we add created and filled Fan Pages from the accounts of the authors. To do this, we go to the author's profile, go to the created Fan Page, and copy the link to the page from the address bar. Then return to BM. Select “Add” – “Request access to Page”. Paste the copied address. Select “Full control” and request access.
Now we return to the author's profile, from which we copied the FP address, and select “Manage”.
In the interface menu that opens on the right side, select the “Page Access” section.
In the section that opens, confirm the request from the BM’s farm account.
Thus, we have added a Fan Page to Business Manager.
In such a way, we need to add all the Fan Pages from our autoregs to our king's BM.
Transferring advertising account rights to BM
Go to the autoreg advertising account and copy the internal identification number from the address bar.
Return to BM. Go to the “Ad Accounts” tab, select “Add” – “Request access to an ad account”, and paste the copied number.
Just like with the Fan Page, select “Full Control” and send the request.
Now return to the autoreg advertising account, go to the “Add account” settings menu, and confirm the request.
Thus, we have added an advertising account to BM’s management.
These actions need to be done with all autoregs by adding their advertising accounts to our king’s BM.
Next, we will use exactly this launch scheme - link autoregs to King’s BM.
In theory, you can ignore manipulations with linking accounts and creating BMs and try to launch from personal accounts. It will be easier and faster. But we would like to give you more practical knowledge and understanding of how to work with the Facebook advertising account and profiles.
Congratulations! Now we have finished the practical part on accounts!) Perhaps this part looks too voluminous for you, and you think that all these manipulations with accounts, setups, and farming are very complex techniques... But!) You must understand that the more you practice, the faster you do everything. The key is experience, guys
After studying the practical part, I propose you move on to homework - [Day 4] Homework.
The training menu, broken down by day, can be found here - Training
Registration and installation of an antidetect browser
Earlier in the theoretical part, I mentioned that in order to work in the field of arbitrage and other areas related to multi-accounting, it is necessary to use browsers that change the Fingerprint.
Among our partners, the leading place is occupied by the antidеtect browser Dolphin{anty}, known as one of the best in the field of arbitrage. This browser is designed to simplify the workflow for both teams and solo arbitrageurs.
The main advantages of this browser for arbitrage
- Browser profile management: each profile fingerprint is a unique browser fingerprint with a separate operating environment. All parameters are separated from each other.
- Real fingerprints of browser profiles: each fingerprint is collected from real users, which makes it possible to be as similar as possible to an ordinary user.
And in the future, you will need more profiles. To get a 20% discount on your first purchase at antidetеct enter FBKILLA in the “Promo Code” field when registering.
To install and activate the browser, go to dolphin-anty.com, sign up, and then download the browser.
After installing the browser and launching it, we will get acquainted with its main interface:
- Browsers (the main page of the browser): this is the section in which the main work with profiles takes place: creation, deletion, launch, transfer, status assignment, proxy assignment, etc.
- Proxy: adding new proxies. The browser supports HTTP, HTTPS, SOCKS, and SSH.
- Scenarios: allow you to automate actions in browser profiles, such as farming or parsing information.
- Bookmarks: adding third-party bookmarks to all browser profiles at once. Also, the bookmark will be added automatically to the newly created profile.
- Extensions: section for adding browser extensions.
- Users: adding team members. You can assign access rights and track progress.
- API: link to documentation for controlling the browser via a remote API.
- Automation: link to documentation for integrating third-party services into the browser.
- Settings: section for setting up statuses and home pages for profiles.
After we have installed the antidetеct browser and familiarized ourselves with its basic functionality, it’s time to get started. First, we need to add a proxy.
Our forum has three verified proxy providers that will ensure a stable and secure connection while using the browser. Each of these providers offers a wide selection of proxies across different countries and with varying degrees of anonymity.
Our team has carefully selected these providers so you have reliable and high-quality proxies for successful arbitrage work.
A premium proxy service that many people use for various business tasks, including traffic arbitrage. It provides an attractive tariff; you pay only for the traffic used at a price of 3$/1GB (using the promo code FBKILLATEST, you will receive a bonus of 3GB). Proxies are stable and easily integrated with various programs. The cost of residential and mobile proxies is the same: $3/GB. There are more than 150 geolocations, with additional settings by city and ASN.
You can top up your balance the way you prefer, by card or cryptocurrency.
Also, Asocks has a referral program, and you have the opportunity to increase your balance by inviting new users to the platform.
Mobile proxy
Mobile proxy offers a wide selection of private and dynamic mobile proxies that can be tested for free. Proxies are activated instantly after payment, which allows you to start working right away. Using the promo code FBKILLA, new customers receive a 21% discount.
The advantages of the proxy include parallel operation of the HTTP and SOCKS protocols, unlimited traffic, the ability to change IP, work with APIs, and high connection speed. They also offer a wide selection of IP addresses and guarantee their reliability.
Same as the Asoсks, there is a referral program that will allow you to earn money by attracting new users.
Lteboost offers mobile proxy services that can be useful for various purposes in Internet marketing and traffic arbitrage. The service guarantees stable operation and offers various connection options, including HTTP(S), and SOCKS5 protocols. You also have the opportunity to select geolocation and automatically change proxies to ensure your anonymity. And if you use the promo code FBKILLA you can get a 5% discount.
Asocks, Mobile proxy, and Lteboost are three leading mobile and residential proxy services. They provide the ability to choose a proxy according to your requirements, ensuring comfortable and efficient use.
You can register for each of these services, take a trial period, and evaluate each of them yourself. My recommendation is to use USA mobile proxies.
After choosing a proxy service, we move on to purchasing accounts. We would also like to recommend our partners to you and highlight two stores that specialize in selling high-quality trust accounts.
Make Money.shop
The store offers a wide range of different types of Facebook accounts, as well as high-flying business managers.
The store stands out from the majority due to the careful verification of each supplier in terms of the quality of the provided accounts. It is also worth noting the ability to choose a convenient payment method and the availability of 24-hour technical support.
The store has its own telegram channel MakeMoney FB accounts, where they share information about working with accounts and, in general, various tricks for working with the Facebook platform.
There are also bonuses for our students in the form of 5 accounts and a 20% discount. To do this, you need to write @makemon12 "I'm from FB-killa."
As in the previous store, there is a wide range of different types of accounts, Fan Pages, and BMs.
One of the key advantages of this store is its own farming team, thanks to which quality is guaranteed.
You can independently check the quality of accounts in both stores or use them alternately. From our side, we recommend that at first you buy accounts like King with BM and autoreg geo USA.
Create a profile in the anti-detect browser
As we learn, we are getting closer and closer to the stage of creating our first advertising campaign. At this point, we will create the first profile in the anti-dеtect browser, add a proxy, and enter data into your account profile.
Profile in the anti-detеct browser is an emulation of a standard browser profile, with a unique hardware fingerprint, user agent, IP address, and cookies.
After creating a profile in the anti-detеct, we recommend to “get cookies” before logging into your FB account on sites where Facebook pixel is installed.
This will add trust to the account in the eyes of FB, showing that we are logging into our account not from a “bare” browser but from a browser with a certain history of logins and visits to other sites.
First of all, you need to purchase proxies and accounts in the amount of 1 King and 9 autoregs in one of the stores that we mentioned earlier (you can have several autoregs).
Go to the main interface of Dolphin browser, go to the proxy tab, and on the right side click + to add.
You will be taken to the adding proxy section, where you need to enter basic data. On the left side is a table indicating in what format they need to be written..
I bought proxies and received them in the format: (I will use them for all profiles in the anti-detеct)
And then I put them in the anti-detect when I was creating a profile.
If you did everything correctly, the added proxies will be highlighted in green as active.
Also, you can check the performance of the proxy using our tool: Proxy checker FB-killa
Next, go to the main browser interface, and to add a profile click + on the right side again.
When purchasing an account, we receive a text file containing:
- cookies (needed for proper signing in to your FB account instead of using a login and password)
- user-agent (also to be inserted into the anti-detеct profile)
- other data
The interface window for adding an account profile will open. You need to set the name of the account profile, enter a user-agent, and cookies. In the additional notes window, write: login, password, and email (this data is also written in the account file).
We copy the account data (cookies and user agent) one by one and paste it into the required fields in the interface window.
After adding profiles, your accounts are ready for a launch.
We do the same for all purchased accounts, adding our mobile proxies everywhere. There is no need to purchase separate proxies for each account!
Thus, we will have several active profiles in еру anti-detect browser (the same number as the accounts you bought), from which we will upload in the future.
Farming accounts
After we have added account profiles to the anti-detect browser, we need to increase trust in the Facebook algorithms for these accounts.
In the theoretical part, we discussed that creating and farming accounts from scratch is inappropriate since any suspicious actions can lead to the account's verification or blocking.
Currently, only a few teams engage in manual farming, as there are specialized services for this. If we are talking about manual farming, then physical SIM cаrds are usually used, and the drawn documents are checked manually. In general, such farming accounts cost about $20. The best option is to purchase an autoreg and further farm it in order to increase its trust to the “king” level.
Farming is the process of account registration and its activity in order to make it look like a real user's account as much as possible. This makes it possible to engage in the necessary activities, in our case, arbitrage (advertising), with minimal risk of arousing suspicion from algorithms or moderators.
Although a large number of schemes for farming accounts can be bought on the Internet, in fact, there is no ready-made scheme. In general, you simply need to imitate the actions of an ordinary person.
Imagine that you recently registered on a social network and logged into your account. Naturally, in one day you will not actively fill out your profile, like all posts in a row, or add as friends an endless number of people who are absolutely unknown to you. And even more so, you will not go into the advertising account since very few users even know about its existence.
Everything needs to be done gradually. Let's break it down day by day.
Farming scheme
Day 1 Filling out your profile
Filling out your profile (place of birth, country of residence, marital status, place of study, etc.)
Adding photos with metadata removed
Day 2 Social activity within FB
Posts on the wall
Uploading photos to the gallery
Subscription to groups on nutritive topics (medicine, weight loss, product groups)
Day 3 Activity with groups
Likes/reposts/comments on other people's photos
Likes/reposts/comments on posts in groups
Adding friends
Day 4 Social activity within FB
Creating and filling out a Fan Page
Adding stories from your account photos
Playing mini-games on Facebook
Day 5. Activity outside FB (but in the browser profile where the account is logged in)
You need to get as many cookies as possible and register on different sites using your Facebook account.
Thus, after 5 days you will gain more trust for your account from Facebook algorithms.
It may seem to you that you need to perform a lot of actions with each account, but it takes no more than 5-7 minutes. At the same time, your accounts become stronger and more resistant to blocking by Facebook.
The profile of a farmed account looks like this:
- Advertising blocks on the right side of the feed
- Activity in the news feed
Creating a Fan Page
On the fourth day of account farming, we go to the Pages tab and create our first Fan Page. So that you understand, Facebook FP is the main tool on behalf of which you will launch an advertising campaign. Therefore, you need to fill it out as relevantly to your offer as possible. Since advertising nutra is against the platform's advertising policy, you need to use associative thinking to come up with a name and description.
When creating, be sure to fill out all fields:
- Category: Health/Beauty
- Website: find a relevant to your offer and put it in the link (of a relevant GEO)
- Address, postal code and phone number: We take it from our personality generator: Online personality generator FB-killa
- Fill it with posts from sites that relate to the topic of the offer.
Since I chose the Adult offer niche, I will show you the final result of my page.
So now we already have an understanding of how to add proxies and create account profiles in the anti-detect browser. We know the basics of farming and how to create the most relevant to the offer Fan Page. Now the most important thing that remains is to choose a scheme for the launch.
Scheme (of pouring): a way to launch an advertising campaign based on accounts.
3 types of launch scheme
- With autoreg profiles after the farming
- From Kings: add (link) advertising accounts of autoregs to the king’s using the transfer of rights
- From BMs: add (link) advertising accounts of autoregs to BMs using the transfer of rights (we will use this scheme)
This means that if something works for you, it doesn't mean that it will work for someone else... So, testing, testing, testing.
Let's consider the main methods of linking (transfer of rights)
Transfer of rights is the transfer of advertising accounts/BMs/FPs from an account with low trust to a professional account (King). I.e., transferring rights to manage an advertising account to another account.
Pros of the transfer of rights:
- Account management will become much more convenient. All of them will be in one account, or BM, and you will not have to switch between different accounts (the anti-dеtect profiles).
- Trust enhancement when you transfer from an account with a low trust to an account with a high trust.
- If your farm account is banned or AAP, then you can no longer use it to launch/edit advertising campaigns on transferred accounts.
Rights’ transfer is quite simple. You just need to add autoreg profiles as friends to your farm account (King) profile and transfer the advertising account for management by marking King as an administrator.
To do it, go to the main profile of the farming account and the autoreg profile at the same time in the anti-detеct browser. From the farm’s address bar, copy the link to the profile and paste it into the address bar in the autoreg profile. Click search. After the farm profile has loaded, click the "Add friend" button.
After that, go to the main account profile and add autoreg as a friend from notifications.
Now you need to link all autoreg profiles to the main farming account.
After you have linked (added as friends) all accounts, you need to transfer the rights of the autoreg’s advertising accounts to the farming account. To do this, go to the tab Ads Manager in the top quick-access menu of the browser. This way, we get into the advertising account.
On the right side of the advertising account, select ”All tools”, then “Ad account”.
After going to the advertising account settings menu in the “Ad Role” window, click the “Add People” button. In the window that appears, select the farm account profile and assign it the administrator role.
Thus, the farm account becomes the administrator of the autoreg advertising account.
Scheme 3: Transfer of the rights to the BM
To do this, the farm account (King) must have a Business Manager.
In this scheme, we link autoregs to King’s BM and not to King himself.
In the quick access menu of the King account, go to the tab Business Manager, select BM, and go to its main interface.
Our main working tabs are Pages, Ad accounts and Pixel.
Adding a Fan Page to BM
On the Pages tab, we add created and filled Fan Pages from the accounts of the authors. To do this, we go to the author's profile, go to the created Fan Page, and copy the link to the page from the address bar. Then return to BM. Select “Add” – “Request access to Page”. Paste the copied address. Select “Full control” and request access.
Now we return to the author's profile, from which we copied the FP address, and select “Manage”.
In the interface menu that opens on the right side, select the “Page Access” section.
In the section that opens, confirm the request from the BM’s farm account.
Thus, we have added a Fan Page to Business Manager.
In such a way, we need to add all the Fan Pages from our autoregs to our king's BM.
Transferring advertising account rights to BM
Go to the autoreg advertising account and copy the internal identification number from the address bar.
Return to BM. Go to the “Ad Accounts” tab, select “Add” – “Request access to an ad account”, and paste the copied number.
Just like with the Fan Page, select “Full Control” and send the request.
Now return to the autoreg advertising account, go to the “Add account” settings menu, and confirm the request.
Thus, we have added an advertising account to BM’s management.
These actions need to be done with all autoregs by adding their advertising accounts to our king’s BM.
Next, we will use exactly this launch scheme - link autoregs to King’s BM.
In theory, you can ignore manipulations with linking accounts and creating BMs and try to launch from personal accounts. It will be easier and faster. But we would like to give you more practical knowledge and understanding of how to work with the Facebook advertising account and profiles.
Congratulations! Now we have finished the practical part on accounts!) Perhaps this part looks too voluminous for you, and you think that all these manipulations with accounts, setups, and farming are very complex techniques... But!) You must understand that the more you practice, the faster you do everything. The key is experience, guys
After studying the practical part, I propose you move on to homework - [Day 4] Homework.
Последнее редактирование модератором: