Решено Facebook Account Blocked

  • Автор темы Chiresz
  • Дата начала
  • Ответы 7
  • Просмотры 1.283


1 Дек 2022

I have a personal account blocked from advertising since July 31st. Send a Doc for analysis and so far it has not been reestablished. The biggest problem is not even the profile, but my BM which is not restricted, but as the profile is restricted I can't transfer this BM to another profile or add a person to that BM. Do you have any solution for this?
Hello, my friend! I would really like to help you with advice, but you have only one option:

You need to go to Meta for Developers - Facebook, create an application there, and add an administrator. Then, go to Business Manager and activate the administrator in the settings.

Wishing you the best of luck, my friend! If you have any more questions, feel free to reach out, and we'll address them as they come up!
Hello, my friend! I would really like to help you with advice, but you have only one option:

You need to go to Meta for Developers - Facebook, create an application there, and add an administrator. Then, go to Business Manager and activate the administrator in the settings.

Wishing you the best of luck, my friend! If you have any more questions, feel free to reach out, and we'll address them as they come up!
Hello, my friend! I would really like to help you with advice, but you have only one option:

You need to go to Meta for Developers - Facebook, create an application there, and add an administrator. Then, go to Business Manager and activate the administrator in the settings.

Wishing you the best of luck, my friend! If you have any more questions, feel free to reach out, and we'll address them as they come up!
I faced the same problem as
Chiresz, but following your recommendation to create an application in Meta for Developers, I get an error when connecting a business account "Your business is prohibited from advertising, including claiming apps."
I faced the same problem as
Chiresz, but following your recommendation to create an application in Meta for Developers, I get an error when connecting a business account "Your business is prohibited from advertising, including claiming apps."
It's a ban on your BM's promotional activities. I recommend contacting support via the settings in your personal account profile. You can also indicate that you have sent documents for verification.

I have a personal account blocked from advertising since July 31st. Send a Doc for analysis and so far it has not been reestablished. The biggest problem is not even the profile, but my BM which is not restricted, but as the profile is restricted I can't transfer this BM to another profile or add a person to that BM. Do you have any solution for this?
Чтобы подать жалобу, вам нужна информация из этого профиля. Примерно через 24 часа вы получите уведомление от FB.

Это единственный способ сохранить вашу БМ, когда управленческие записи ограничены.
Olá, meu amigo! Eu realmente gostaria de ajudá-lo com conselhos, mas você só tem uma opção:

Você precisa ir para Meta for Developers - Facebook , criar um aplicativo lá e adicionar um administrador. Em seguida, acesse o Business Manager e ative o administrador nas configurações.

Desejo-lhe boa sorte, meu amigo! Se você tiver mais dúvidas, sinta-se à vontade para entrar em contato e iremos respondê-las à medida que surgirem!
Com este guia passo a passo, você conseguirá encontrar o administrador mesmo se seu perfil estiver bloqueado?
Para registrar uma reclamação, você precisa das informações deste perfil. Após cerca de 24 horas você receberá uma notificação do FB.

Esta é a única forma de preservar o seu BM quando os registros de gestão são limitados.
Onde devo registrar uma reclamação? Estou com o mesmo problema e quando falo no chat dizem que não tem jeito.
Onde devo registrar uma reclamação? Estou com o mesmo problema e quando falo no chat dizem que não tem jeito.
Посетите раздел качества аккаунта и можете подать жалобу.

Если через 24–48 часов проблема все еще не решена, перейдите на новую учетную запись. Потому что они могут временно приостановить вашу апелляцию.

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