Education Facebook accounts in arbitrage, what are they and how to work with them? (theory)

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In previous lessons, we learned the basics of arbitration, registered in the affiliate program, selected an offer, and prepared creatives for it. In this block, we will move on to the next important stage: selecting and managing accounts.

In Facebook traffic arbitrage, proper account management is key.

Accounts are not just a tool for launching advertising; they represent the main resource and, at the same time, are the most vulnerable element of your campaign.

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Every arbitrageur understands that a successful advertising launch begins with understanding the structure and preparing account-based setups.

When working with Facebook, accounts are consumables and often get banned or checked, even if you are promoting a white offer that complies with all the rules of the platform. Therefore, a proper account that has a certain amount of trust from FB is a key element for creating a successful advertising campaign.


Account structure
Let's start this lesson with the basics and look at the structure of a Facebook social account.

Social account is your or your friend’s personal profile on a social network, a place where you share your photos, chat with friends, and follow the news, i.e. a social network page. Inside your account, you have all the necessary tools for running advertising campaigns.

Let's take a closer look at the account structure and the advertising tools available.


Let's look at each tool in more detail:
  • Personal advertising account: the tool provides the main interface for creating and managing advertising campaigns and analytics.
  • Business Manager: this tool designed to manage several accounts, pages, and advertising accounts at the same time.
  • Advertising account in BM: this is a separate advertising account within the Business Manager. It is identical to the interface of your personal advertising account; the only difference is that you need to create it yourself.
  • Fan Page (abbreviated as FP or page): this is the offer page on whose behalf the advertisement will be displayed. In simple words, a fan page on FB is like a public VK page, a business page with information and posts on the wall.
This is what the Fan Page looks like for the gray vertical:


If you don't understand any of the above tools at the moment, don't worry. A little later, we will look at them in more detail in a lesson on setting up an advertising campaign.

Read also: Fanpage on Facebook as a method of warming up the audience

Types of accounts
For beginners, the difficulty is that in arbitrage there are many different types of accounts depending on the type of their creation, mining or farming. As part of our training, we will get acquainted with each of them as background information; however, the main work will be carried out with two types of accounts: King and Autoreg.

Read also: Types of Facebook accounts

Brute accounts
This is a hacked account. It was registered and belongs to a real person. The owner enters his email or phone number as a login and uses a simple password or one that matches the login, which makes the account an easy target for hacking. Such accounts are hacked using password-guessing programs, and then access to them is resold.

They are also hacked types of accounts, with the difference that data is stolen using viruses (stealers) and phishing programs.

Example: The user installs a program that records all his actions on the Internet: clicking on sites, pressing buttons, entering passwords, etc. This data forms a map of actions, which is called a log. Attackers then quickly extract this data and use it to gain unauthorized access to Facebook accounts or other platforms.

Rental accounts
Rental accounts belong to real people, which allows you to quickly launch advertising without the need for lengthy warm-ups. Such accounts live longer, the likelihood of being banned for not passing a selfie check is minimal, and moderation is faster.

Agent accounts
Agent accounts are advertising accounts created specifically for advertising agencies and marketing companies. Agencies enter into agreements with advertising networks, receiving accounts with special privileges in exchange for guarantees of compliance with all rules and requirements.

PAAP Accounts
Advertising activity prohibition (AAP) is a type of blocking (an ID is required to unlock) that often happens to accounts if Facebook's algorithms deem your actions suspicious or in violation of the platform's advertising rules. PAAP – the type of account that PASSED this prohibition of advertising activities. Such accounts are considered the most effective for the “pouring”, and most arbitrage traders choose them as the KING account on which to build a “setup”.

Gradually, we have come to the main type of accounts on which we will subsequently build our “pouring scheme”.

KING farming accounts
Regardless of the type of account you use, it is important to imitate the behavior of a real user in order to create some trust on Facebook's part. This process is called farming. The higher the trust, the fewer bans and further problems during the advertising campaign. This type of account is called KING; as a rule, they have a structure that was indicated earlier in the “Social account structure” block.

The most common type of account for advertising on Facebook. Such accounts are registered en masse using special software. Subsequently, based on these accounts, advertising campaigns are created for the selected offers.


There are two types of such accounts:
  • Regular autoregs: these accounts are registered en masse using special software. They usually have minimal profile filling, including a name (Latin or Cyrillic), some information in the bio, perhaps a link to an email or phone number, and an added photo.
  • Autoregs with tracking: these are the same autoregs, only registered a long time ago: in 2016, 2012, 2008, and so on. In essence, they are no different from ordinary autoregs.
Tracking is the number of days since the account was registered or the account has been inactive since any moment.

More details about tracking: Facebook account tracking. A nuance that is forgotten

How to register accounts
You must understand that with manual registration, you will never register “Autoreg”. This will a priori the account type “Farm-KING”.

At the beginning of your journey in arbitration, you can try manual registration to gain experience, but in the future, you will not have time for this process. And registering accounts on Facebook is extremely difficult because of the powerful anti-fraud system, which understands that you are not just a person who wants to open an account.

Experienced sellers register accounts via special programs or real mobile devices/mobile device emulators, using personal tricks and best practices.

If you want to look credible to FB and deal less with AAP, then it’s easier to buy an autoreg in a specialized account store and “farm” it.

Facebook account stores
We recommend that you use specialized shops for selling accounts and do not fall for sales offers from individuals in telegram chats.

Among the forum's partners, there are two shops that sell high-quality Facebook accounts at an affordable price.


FB1.SHOP is an account store that has been on the market for a long time and has a good reputation.



MAKEMONEYFB.SHOP is an account store from the arbitration team. It also has a large assortment of consumables and a good reputation.

If you purchase accounts in one of these shops, we can guarantee that they correspond to the geos indicated in the profile, as well as that there are many PAAP accounts that you will need when you have enough experience.

How do you farm accounts?
As stated earlier, “farm” is a complete imitation of human actions. When you log into your account profile, you look at the news feed, like other people’s posts or news, post profile photos, add friends, play games, and create stories (you just don’t need to do it all in one day!).

There is no need to mindlessly engage in mass liking or mass following. When farming, it is important to behave like a real person and not like a typical account farmer.

After a short period of farming, the account acquires some trust in the eyes of the FB algorithms and is ready for advertising. We recommend that you further farm all types of accounts, as this will give you a chance to quickly exit AAP and gain higher trust from FB.

What do you need to work with FB accounts?
There are 2 main tools used to work with Facebook accounts:
And sometimes 2 auxiliary ones:
  • services for receiving SMS (virtual numbers) or renting a number
  • emails
In the text, we often see the abbreviation AAP (advertising activities prohibition), but you must understand that in addition to prohibition, FB can impose restrictions on the account itself and block access to it.

Why does FB ban accounts?
When the first account bans occur (and they will inevitably happen, so get ready), newbies have a question in their minds: “Why is Facebook banning us, since we pay them money for advertising and it seems like this should be beneficial for them?”

Any platform that makes money from advertising depends on its audience. If users see inappropriate content or intrusive advertising, they may begin to visit the platform less frequently or stop using it altogether.

For Facebook, it is important not only to make a profit from advertising but also to retain its users on a long-term basis. Losing users may result in decreased future revenue as advertisements may be shown to users multiple times. Therefore, a strategy aimed at retaining the audience and satisfying their interests is key to ensuring a stable income for the platform.

If you received a ban on your account, it means your actions were similar to those of others who had bad experiences and were previously banned.


How does Facebook identify such users?

There are two types of factors that can trigger FB: “behavioral factors” and “technical factors”.

Behavioral factors
  • The sequence and timing of actions on the account, such as likes, comments, reposts, adding friends, visiting certain pages: both their quantity and frequency are important.
  • In what sequence you create advertising campaigns, set up payment information, as well as the time intervals between these actions.
  • Activities outside of Facebook, such as logging in through your Facebook profile on other sites, as well as activity on various sites that use Facebook analytics tools.
Technical parameters
  • IP address: a unique identifier of your device on the Internet.
  • User-agent: a string of data sent to the website server each time a page is requested, containing information about your browser and operating system.
  • Fingerprint: unique characteristics of your device, such as screen resolution, browser version, etc.
  • Location.
Working with technical parameters
In the block “How to register accounts”, we already touched on the topic of how to make your account more credible using “farming”. In this block, we will take a closer look at how to effectively work with technical parameters.

Technical parameters can also be divided into two types:
  • internet connection
  • computer settings
Internet connection and IP address:

It is important to understand that our IP address is almost like our digital fingerprint on the Internet. And no matter where you go, this imprint remains the same. Therefore, our task is to regularly change IP addresses so that they do not remain constant.

Important: if you work from the same static IP address with different accounts, you can get a quick ban.

There are two options to solve this problem:

First option:
Using mobile Internet. This can be done through mobile Internet distribution from your phone or using a USB modem. When logging into a new account, just turn on or off airplane mode or restart the modem. This will change your IP address. You can check if the IP has changed using the service 2IP.

Important: relevant for residents of Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and other countries where there are no restrictions on advertising activities. In Russia, this feature no longer works, because Russian consumables trigger FB. Starting from 2022, advertising from Russian accounts cannot be launched.

Second option: Using a proxy. In simple terms, a proxy is a kind of masking of our real IP address.

It is much easier to explain this with an example. Imagine that your IP address is your postal addressб where you can be found on the Internet. A proxy is like your virtual mailbox, which can be located in different places while hiding your real address.

It is also very important that the geo of the account from which advertising is launched always corresponds to one country, at least in the first stages, until you reach a certain level of trust from FB or there is a high spend (spending for advertising).

For this, arbitrageurs use mobile proxies, and we, in turn, as with account stores, want to recommend the services of our partners.

Proxy stores




Simply put, to hide our real IP, we buy proxies, preferably mobile ones.

Hardware-related computer parameters
You probably know that each device in computer hardware has its own unique marking. But have you ever thought that most online services, platforms, and marketplaces track you as a user using various parameters, such as device (data about our PC), browser, user agent, etc. It's called Fingerprint.

Fingerprint, a digital fingerprint of a computer (browser), is information collected about a remote device for further identification.

Facebook has one of the most powerful anti-fraud systems, which collects a lot of data about the user.

To work with a large number of accounts on one computer (multi-account), use an anti-detect browser. Such a browser allows you to change these parameters for each newly created profile, thus ensuring anonymity and security when using online resources.

We, in turn, recommend one of the best browsers in the community: Dolphin


Anti-detect browser creates a virtual profile that generates a hardware fingerprint different from your real one. Thus, our computer does not seem familiar to Facebook, and we may not be afraid of a “hardware” ban.

In this block, we explained what types of accounts there are, how to work with them, and talked about the factors that lead to bans when working on Facebook. Now it doesn’t look like just an ordinary social network that gives people the opportunity to communicate and pass the time scrolling through the news feed, does it?

Let's move on to practice
With this, we will finish the theoretical part and move on to the practical part, in which we will install antitrack, buy and register a proxy, and put together the first setup from accounts for the pouring - [Day 4] Working with Facebook accounts: antitrack, proxy, farm
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